Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dear Comrades,
You might be listening different kind of stories from different type of people about what happened at Churchgate on 18th December, 2008 when the Motormen of Western Railway went on the "Hunger Strike" agitation.
As far as the best of my knowledge and belief Motormen of the Western Railway were submitting their representations about their grievances and demands since 20th February, 2006 at almost all the level of Railway’s administration.
When all of their grievances and demands were neither properly heard nor there was any serious effort by any one of the Railway's administration to solve any of the problems then only the Motormen of Western Railway were frustrated and declared to start "Work to Rule" from 1st December, 2008 and then ultimately there was "Hunger Strike" on 18th December, 2008. Revolutionary Greetings to the Motormen of the Western Railway.
The Document attached herewith is prepared by the Western Railway Motorman's Association and is self Explanatory in all respect.
Mahesh N. Pandya
Loco Pilot (Mail) BAMY
Divisional Secretary - AILRSA - BCT/WR
Zonal Working President - AILRSA/WR
09322287069, 09004448515, 09224700989

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Ahmed said...
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Ahmed said...

Action to be taken- But against Railway Board
there is really no need to take any action against the motorman who have gone for work to rule agitation and hunger strike.
since in spite of taking the most responsibility of railway, they have been harrased by not only the railway administration on small issue but also they have been betrayed by recognised unions time and again.

This betrayal is evident from the 4th pay commission itself.

if at all any action is to be taken it has to be taken against the railway board.
Abolish the Railway Board -an organization which is having no real work or output.

Ahmed said...

The real reasons for the sufferings of peoples traveling by railways suburban trains in Mumbai.

1. The railway board. (getting paid for creating problems for peoples)

when Mr. Sam Pitroda was appointed as adviser to prime minister on railways, the first thing he recommended was that the railway board be abolished.

After few days he was sacked naturally due to pressure from the officers lobby.
it should be noted that it was due to the initiative of Mr. SAM PIRODA, the telecom sector has gone beyond what can be said as sky is the limit.

why was Mr. Sam Piroda removed from that position?

1. The officers earn about 55% as commission from every thing that is done by railways.
2. it is working like as syndicate. on paper everything is perfect. no one can find any thing wrong.
3. the most systematic corruption in the world today.
4. this organisation has got no real work. for this a work study may be conducted by an independent organisation.
5. it does some work but that work is not required to be done at all.
6. It is because of the corruption and incapability of being able to take their own decision, the situation has come to a point that the peoples are forced to travel on roof taking risk of their life just to earn a living.

this risk is ever greater than that faced by the peoples of Baghdad when it was being bombed by America.

Just for earning an income to run a family.

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