Monday, May 26, 2014

The 8th State Level Conference of the Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers  Karnataka unit was held on 20thmay 2014 at Income Tax Office, Queen’s road, Bangalore at 3:00 pm.
Com. Vinod, welcomed the gathering and invited Working President Com. Radhakrishna, Chief Guest Com. Krishnan, and Secretary Com. Prasad to the dias.
The conference was presided over by S.Radhakrishna Working President.
Com. Radhakrisha recalled the yeomen services of the departed comrades Com. O.P.Gupta,  former Secretary General NFPTE Com. Umromal Purohit President AIRF and Secretary Staff Side National Council of JCM Rurohit, Com. Barada Bhattacharya, former Vice President and Aditional Secretary General of Alll India Audit & Accounts Association and veteran leader of CG movement in West Bengal Com. Nagendra, former Circle Secretary R3 and Com. Savanur former Circle Secretary P3 among others. The assembly observed one minute’s silence in honour of the departed comrades.
Introductory Remarks of President:
Com Radhakrishna Working President COC Karnataka then set the note for the deliberations of the convention by highlighting the heritage of Karnataka COC and the path-breaking role it has taken from its inception in 1982.  He recognized that Karnataka COC has successfully implemented all the programmed of the Confederation.  He also described the present scenario where with the new Government policies are likely to move from left of centre to right of centre. He expressed caution since the slogan of the present dispensation with regard to governance viz., Minimum governance and maximum government – could be ominous given the extent of liberalization, privatization and contractualization that has been implemented in the Gujarat model.  However, we will have to watch the performance and policies of the new government before we decide the future course of actions with regard to the activities of the Confederation.  With regard to the 7th Central Pay Commission, he concisely outlined that the COC sought a telescopic scale with the integration of grade pay i.e. the fixing of the minimum and maximum scale with suitable increments in between thus restoring the flexibility which was lost due to the introduction of the Grade Pay system.
He warmly welcomed Com Krishnan who was greeted with a bouquet by Com  Venkataramani
Com. Radhakrishna was greeted with a bouquet by Com Juliana R.Vincent.
Com. P.S.Prasad GENERAL SECRETARY COC KARNATAKA   welcomed all members including from districts representatives such as Bangalore , Hubli, Karwar , Ramangaram , Kolar etc.were present. Secretary Com. P.S.Prasad presented his report. He thanked the Central leadership for their special regard and co-operation to Karnataka COC.  While highlighting that the Karnataka COC had made extensive and sincere efforts to implement all the programmes and calls given by the Confederation and had successfully implemented the same, he thanked the member organizations of the Karnataka COC for their co-operation and inputs and hard work.  He also requested the member organizations to be more involved in the activities of the COC, by participating with greater regularity and numbers in the meetings of the Karnataka COC and in being regular in the financial contributions also.  He warned against being divided along lines of regionalism, language and caste since it would only be detrimental to the cause of the Working Class. He also informed the house at several districts the COC is very active and in coming years the he suggested that all districts the COC will be vibrant.  
He welcomed Com. Krishnan with great pleasure to participate in this 8th State Level Convention of the Karnataka COC.
The report was unanimously accepted.
The statement of accounts had been circulated well in advance and the gathering accepted and passed the accounts unanimously. There was an appeal by the General Secretary COC to all affiliates to contribute @ Rs 5 per member as special contribution for meeting expenditure towards 7th CPC memorandum preparation and conference expenditure. The President of the meeting also requested all affiliates to  special contribution for meeting expenditure towards 7th CPC memorandum preparation and hand it over to Finance Secretary.     

Com. M.Krishnan SECRETARY GENERAL CONFEDERATION congratulated the Karnataka COC for being one of the most vibrant of the State COCs.  He appreciated the contribution of the Karnataka COC not only in organizational matters but also in intellectual contribution.  He particularly appreciated the hard work put in by Com. Prasad in preparing the memorandum to the 7th Pay Commission.  He highlighted how the memorandum had been painstakingly, carefully and scientifically prepared with a lot of research and deep introspection.  He highlighted the major points on which there was consensus with the deliberations of the confederation.  He accepted the suggestions and informed the gathering that the confederation was proud to invite Com Prasad to Delhi for informal talks regarding the submission of memorandum to the 7th CPC at which time due diligence will be paid to the suggestions and the reasoning presented by Karnataka COC.
Com Krishnan also appraised the gathering of the challenges before the confederation in working with other members of the JCM to find common ground and intellectual agreement on the policies to be recommended to the 7th CPC due to the varying needs and ground realities.  But it is heartening that common ground has been identified and the Confederation with its initiative will be presenting a joint memorandum with the JCM to the 7th CPC.
The Confederation being the only organization that envisaged and successfully implemented the demand for the constitution of the 7th CPC 2 years before the due date, was still spearheading the struggle to achieve pay revision every 5 years for Central Government employees and workers. 
Com Krishnan was very hopeful that with the co-operation of the State COCs the joint action with the JCM would give positive results.  But he also cautioned that from past experience it is evident that significant achievement both in wages and in service conditions are achieved only through firm resolve and struggle and therefore we must gear ourselves to carry forward the struggle if need arises till we achieve our rightful demands.
He also urged Karnataka COC to continue its yeomen service and to work towards its growth so that it would be the strongest State COC in the country.
In the 8th State Level Conference the election to the Executive committee of COC Karnataka was held at Income tax office on 20/5/14 and Com Muthukumar declared that following members have been elected unanimously to the executive committee for the period 2014-17 .

Com S.Radhakrishna
Working President
Com S.Venkataramani
NFPE (P-3)
Vice President
Com Jawarayi Gowda
Vice President
Com Juliana Vincent
Survey of India Ministerial Association
General Secretary
Com P.S.Prasad
Joint Secretary
Com Vinod
Joint Secretary
Com M.Ramakrishna
Finance Secretary
Com Dominic Vijay Anand
Postal Accounts
Asst Finance Secretary
Com C.A. Kameshwary
Assistant Secretary
Com D.Jayaraman
Assistant Secretary
Com M.B.Krishnappa
Assistant Secretary
Com Mohan Pai
Assistant Secretary
Com D,K.Bharathi
NFPE (Admin)
Assistant Secretary
Com Vidya Simha
Assistant Secretary
Com L.G.Srinivas
Assistant Secretary
Com Bhaskar
Central Excise Inspectors Association

Com Umesh S. Kamatagi

Adviser's :Com Muthukumar, Com Neelappa & Com  Kamalashenan
The proposals were unanimously accepted and the office bearers were felicitated.
Com P.S.Prasad thanked the Karnataka COC members for having reposed faith in him and for giving him an opportunity to continue serving the Karnataka COC and the Working Class Movement.
Vote of thanks  was proposed by Venkataramani who thanked all members for kind co-operation and Com M.Krishnan Secretary General Confdn for attending this meeting, He also thanked. ITEF for making arrangements for this seminar.
President Com Radhakrishna declared the meeting closed.

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