Monday, May 26, 2014

Case 1.

In terms of section 71-D of Indian Railway Act 1890
Subject to the provision of this section a Railway servant whose employment is intensive or Continuous shall be granted , each week commencing on Sunday , a rest of not less than 30 consecutive hours.
Para 11 of section VI of Hours of Employment Regulations (HOER) 1961
The Running staff should be granted  4 periods of 30 consecutive hours rest in a month.
In One year there are 52 weeks. So other staff is getting 52 periods rest.
Monthly 4 x12 months, running staff is getting 48 periods rest
Discount : 4 periods = 120 hours.

Case 2.

 Para 11 of section VI of Hours of Employment Regulations (HOER) 1961
The Running staff should be granted  4 periods of 30 consecutive hours rest in a month.
Or  5 periods of 22 hours rest in a month.
4x 30 = 120
5x 22 = 110
DISCOUNT = 10 hrs in a month yearly 120 hrs.

Case 3.
Other staff working 6 days in a week are getting 40 hours rest (from 17 hrs on Saturday to 9 hrs on Monday)
52 x 40 =2080 hrs in a year
Running Staff eligible to  30 hrs rest  yearly 1440
DISCOUNT: 640 hrs in a year.

Case 4
HOER next para : PR to be given at least once in 10 days. It means 3 in month. Yearly 36 = 1080
DISCOUNT: 1000 hrs.

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