Tuesday, June 15, 2010

FTC has taken basic pay, GP,Pay Element(notional), DP,DA,Transport Allowance,CCA,HRA,and Running Alowance and arrived a total emoluments of 23747/- for 5500-9000 as on 31.12.05.
as on 01.01.2006 according to fTC Total emolumrnts raised to 37907/- ie 59.63%
As on 01.05.10 they arrived 52118/- as total emoluments and invented that 119.47% hike in emoluments.
What a mockuery ?
They added notional pay element as well as Running alowance for 7250 kms
If they taken the TA of other Staff and officers along with their emoluments % of increase will be much more .
The FTC observed that the pay structure recommended by the pay commission for running staffwas in consonance with the general principle of de-layering adopted by pay commission for all categories of central govt employees.
Forther regarding GP and addl allowance is on the AGENDA of dept Anomaly committee.
Regarding Running Allowance
6th CPC doubled all the allowances,and like all other allowance it willbe wef 01.09.08. The joint committee by Rb noted that depression in pay of running staff eroded after revisions of pay,but for MOTIVATING running staff the pay element of 30% and 55% retirement benefit was continued.
refer AILRSA web site ailrsa.com for more details.

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