Monday, April 28, 2014

    Sri. Pradeep Kumar Saxena,
    General Manager,
    South Western Railway,
    Kesvapur, Hubli.

Respected Sir,
                      The Zonal Committee meeting of AILRSA,  SWR was held on 25.04.2014 at YPR presided by Sri. R Surendran, Working President. The meeting discussed the problems prevailing in different divisions and depots of SWR and passed the following resolutions unanimously.
1.   Mysore division proposed to open a new running room at Panambur yard (PNMB), which is a highly polluted area.  The decision was challenged by AILRSA and a dispute was raised before ALC and case is still continuing.  This meeting demands your good office to instruct DRM /MYS to stop forthwith the move to open a new running room at PNMB yard which gives just hardship to crew and loss to the administration.   Instead of opening a Running Room a new crew depot for MYS division at PNMB/MAJN will solve this problem easily.   These are many volunteers  available in MYS division readily willing to be posted at Mangalore crew depot.  And of course administration need not spend a heavy amount for this.
2.   As recommended in SPAD minutes the Crew joining after Leave, Sick, Training is permitted to report after 6.00 hrs instead of the present 00.00hrs.  This point was accepted by Sri AK Mittal, GM/SWR and Sri. Govind Kumar, CMPE on 14.03.2013 during a discussion with AILRSA delegation.  But unfortunately the Divisional authorities paid scant regard and did not bother to implement this. Hence this meeting requests intervention of your good office to implement this at the earliest.
3.   Regarding the facilities of Running Room and quality of Food supplied many instructions exist.  RB. Letter no. 2001/M(L)/467/2 dated 10.11.2003, which clearly instruct to provide 2 bed in a room or cubicle.   But unfortunately many of our running rooms are still a long way from the guidelines.   Also quality of food supplied has deteriorated and below average.  There is no system to periodically monitor the maintenance of running room and quality of food.  In many running rooms (eg. Hindupur/SBC) contractor is distributing money to the occupants instead of supplying food, which is to be curtailed.
4.   As per DO No. E(W) 2009/WE/5/8  by  Sri AK Goyal, Member Staff , Railway Board, dated 23.10.2009; “ Board had decided that a Senior Welfare Inspector should be nominated exclusively for Loco Running Staff”.  But this order is not implemented in true spirit.  Hence we request your good self to direct CPO to implement this order.
5.    Railway Board Directive has been circulated to all General Managers to monitor 36 hrs out station detention.  But sadly, the present practice is that even after completing 72 hrs out station detention staff has to struggle to get authorization to return to their head quarters.  Crew Controller at Control Office should promptly monitor the crew duty hours and out station detention.
6.   Other category staff  who  work on a National Holiday are awarded with NH allowance as well as Compensation Rest on another day. Similar facility may be extended to Running Staff also.
7.   For exercising vote in different elections, other staff are given holiday/ duty adjustments etc. But many running staff is not able to vote due to the nature of job.   Hence postal ballot may be arranged to us in future elections.
8.   Crew beat to be displayed in all Goods crew booking depots to avoid improper utilization.
9.   In many crew booking depots khalasis are working as Crew Controllers/ CRC’s.   It is an absurd predicament and incorrect procedure as the LP/ ALP’s are to be examined for soberity, and    certified, Emergency Duty pass also to be signed/ issued by the CRC on duty.  Hence this obsolete practice existing in Mysore Division to be stopped forth with
10.  There are many cases of inter depot temporary transfer to running staff bypassing seniority and other norms.  Hence we request you to circulate a uniform policy for inter depot transfer.
11.   Sir, in the scenario of   SPAD minutes as well as High Power Committee on HOER recommendations to limit the working hours of Mail/Express to 6 hrs. we request your good self to revise the present Mail /Express links and stop inter- zone working.
12.  Different committees recommended for standardization of Loco Cab and Cab air conditioning etc.  It can be done during major overhauling/periodic overhauling. But many simple modifications/changes can definitely be done from the owning  Loco Shed,  especially fixing of comfortable seats, adjusting/relocating seats for better visibility during Long Hood working in WDP4 locos,  Fixing additional Horn button (in the front) for WDP 4 locos for ALP’s, providing cooling filament for side shutter glasses etc
13.  AILRSA appreciates the proposal of CME/SWR during his inspection,  for shifting crew lobby from SGT to KJM.    This proposal will be a boon for the running staff as well as the administration.

Anticipating that your good self will intervene and do need full.

Thanking you                                                           Yours faithfully
28.04.14                                                                   (C. Sunish)
Copy to All Concerned.

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