Thursday, June 28, 2012

HQ ADRA                                   Reg. No. 17903                                                       AFF to AIREC

Web Site:    E-mail:
134 C, Railway Quarters, Yeswanthpur, Bangalore -560 022

President                           General Secretary              Treasurer
SD ARNOLD                                C.SUNISH                                   S JAGADEESAN
Mob.09342279121            Mob.09448417098,09731647115             Mob.09731647112               

   The General Manager,
    South Western Railway,

Respected Sir,
Sub: CC Camera in crew booking lobbies.  
INDIA TODAY magazine in its 14th November 2011 issue published an article “Railways on the track to disaster”. The article states the following points.
1.   There are no funds to carry out even regular maintenance work.
2.   No money to put into the depreciation reserve fund , used for replacing and strengthening old assets including   tracks, locomotives, bridges and signaling arrangements.
3.   No money to buy even a broom for cleaning and railways are left with only Rs.75 lakh cash reserve.

If this is the case is the investment of close circuit camera at crew booking a necessity? Unlike the other railway employees the productivity of loco running staff is measured by the punctual running of trains. There are no activities of corruption at crew booking lobbies to be caught under CC Camera. The installation of camera is the indication of mistrust of the management on the loco running staff.

This camera should be first installed at the Divisional offices (Personnel Branch where many seats will be vacant during working hours, Engineering and Commercial Branch where chances of corruption exists) and last at the crew booking lobby.

General Manager and Divisional Railway Mangers should adopt the policy of transparency by Chief Minister of Kerala who installed a CC Camera in his office for people to watch his office activities for 24 hours. Definitely a GM or DRM lower in the protocol than a CM should first install CC Camera in their respective office before installing in any other office to win the confidence of workers.

Due to the above said reasons, the CC Camera may be removed from all crew booking lobby’s and installed else where priority wise.

Thanking you                                                      Yours faithfully

25.06.12                                                                (C. Sunish)                                                                                            

Copy :
3.   Basudeb Acharia MP
4.   MN Prasad, Secretary General AILRSA

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