Saturday, May 12, 2012

AILRSA 19th All India Conference Program Notice

Dear Comrades,
             The present day world is witnessing various united struggles by the working class all around and it is exciting that more and more people are coming forward to join the struggle against exploitation of labour. Neo liberal economic policies, globalization, privatization etc followed by the servile governments in various countries at the insistence of the imperialist forces are facing stiff opposition and protests. People are also coming out in open in large numbers in many places to fight against the reactionary regimes, dictatorship, dynasty etc and clamoring for democracy and secularism. It is a fact that progressive movements are gaining momentum in all parts of the world. The recent and still prevailing economic crisis in the capitalist countries followed by the hypocritical and undemocratic attempts of the governments to bail out the corporate firms at the cost of life of the common man has once again revealed the inherent anti people character of capitalism and has invited wrath from the people. The wall street protest in USA representing the sentiments of 99% against the exploitation of 1% is the result of the anti-labour economic policies of capitalism and its inability to solve perpetually the problems faced by the vast majority.

               India stayed immune to the severe impact of the global economic crisis to some extent due to the still existing influence of the public sector in Indian economy. Unfortunately the government is trying to undo this advantage by vigorously pursuing the neo liberal economic policies to please the capitalist and imperialist forces. Implementing anti-labour measures like the new pension scheme, with drawing social security and welfare schemes, dismantling labour laws and silencing the labour department, denying the workers their hard earned rights.etc has become the approach of the government.  The historic All India Strike on Feb 28th 2012 was a protest of the India’s working class against these policies. All national Trade unions including the INTUC and HMS participated in the strike and its success revealed the strength of unity. Even though demands of the strike equally affects the life and working condition of the railway workers they were deliberately  kept out of the strike as the AIRF and NFIR affiliated to HMS and INTUC respectively, refused to participate in the strike. The federations have not only betrayed the railway employees and caused humiliation to them but also once again revealed their non commitment towards the working class cause. The federations are pawns in the hands of Railway administration and are reluctant to come out of the limitation prescribed by the administration for the fear of losing some comforts. This has certainly caused a setback in the proper advancement of trade union movements in Indian Railway.

               Indian Railway as a Government entity is facing a lot of challenges as attempts are already on towards privitising it. The central government is taking the opportunistic advantage of the cited bad financial coordination to further increase the pace of privatization process. The railway budget 2012 is a big step forward towards achieving it as it contains various proposals in that direction. All these escaped public attention due to the political drama that followed the budget. Instead of addressing the real cause like rampant corruption, over spending, luxuries of the officers, inefficiency of the authorities, mismanagement of business etc the government is trying to shift the burden to the public and the employees. During 1990s there were 16.5 lakhs employees and 8000 officers in railways. Now when the number of officers has gone up to 18000 and the numbers of workers has decreased to 13.5 lakhs, and out of which2.5 lakhs posts are kept vacant. In the loco running cadre itself there are 17119 (83323/66204 as on 01/04/2011) 20.55% vacancies. Around 7 lakh permanent jobs are being out sourced to contract labours. All these have badly affected the safety of passengers and effective functioning of railways resulting in reducing its ability to give prompt and affordable service to the public.

                AILRSA has been waging sustained and patient struggles against the anti people, anti worker policies of the railway administration. Even while working to improve the condition of loco running staff, AILRSA has always stood for the common working class cause. Our relentless struggles for many decades has forced the government of India, despite all the ulterior efforts of the railway board, to constitute NIT (National Industrial Labour Tribunal) to adjudicate upon the demands put forth by our 18th BGM held at Nagpur. It is a historical development not only because it is the first ever fair opportunity to get our long pending demands fulfilled but also in the sense that it is a set back to the undemocratic power structure and functioning of the Railway bureaucracy and to the claims of the federations. We believe that this development would pave way to bring about a progressive change in the labour relation existing in railways and the entire workers would be benefited from this.

                  Railway administration is keeping antagonistic approach towards the loco running staff and AILRSA due to its uncompromising stand on the rights of the workers. Railway administration is continuing with all its inhumane punishments and harassments to silent the loco running staff. Trade union victimization, deteriorating working and service conditions including the Loco and running room conditions, misuse of power, corruption, compromise on safety, lack of modernization etc are the some of the issues that need to be  fought against. AILRSA is committed to continue its fights for the right of the workers and strengthening the working class unity. The 19th BGM of AILRSA going to be conducted at Bangalore on 16th and 17th MAY will be a significant event in this context. We request all co operation and help from all the progressive thinking unions and workers to make it a great success.
Reception Committee:
Chairman                 Vice Chairman               General Convener                    Treasurer
VJK Nair              S Prasanna Kumar             C.Sunish               N Mallikarjuna
9448056153           9448219118                9448417098                 9448808451  


16th May 2012,Wedness day

  1. Flag hoisting &
Garlanding martyr column                       :             9.00hrs to 9.30hrs.
  1. Condolence in meeting hall                      :           9.30hrs to 9.40hrs.
  2. Initiation of meeting, proposal for
Presidium and subject Committee            :           9.40hrs to 10.00hrs. 
  1.  Welcome address by Chairman
Reception Committee         Com. V. J. K. Nair: 10.00 to 10.30hrs. 
  1. Inaugural speech by
Com. Basudeb Acharia, Hon’ble MP       :           10.30 hrs to 11.15 hrs.

  1. Addressing by the following.
1. Com. KKN Kutty, All India General Secretary, Central Govt Employees Confederation

 2.Com. Amanulla Khan, All India President, All India Insurance Employees Union (AIIEU)
3. Com. John Vincent Kumar, General Secretary, All India Station Masters Association (AISMA)
4. Com.B.S. Sachidananda Murthy, General Secretary, Akhila Karnataka  State Government Employees’ Federation
5. Com. A Janaki Raman, General Secretary, Dhakshina Railway Employees Union (DREU).
6. Com.C.K. Gundanna, State Secretary, BSNL Employees Union
7. Com. Pradip Banerjee , National Secretary of AICCTU
8. Com. M S.Venkatesh Murthy, General Secretary, Nairuthya Railway Employees Union (NREU).
9. Com. M.R. Shenoi, General Secretary, Bank Employees Federation of India(BEFI). Karnataka State.

  1. Placement of Secretary’s
report and Accounts                        :       13.00 hrs to 14.00 hrs
  1. Lunch Break                                   : 14:00 hrs to 15:00hrs.

Second session

  1. Mass Rally from Bangalore City Railway Station  : 15.30 hrs   to 17.00 hrs
  2. Public Meeting at Jnana Jyothi Auditorium   From 17.00 hrs
Welcome:  Com. S Prasanna Kumar, Vice Chairman, Reception committee.
Presiding: Com T Hanumaiah, Central Vice President, AILRSA.
Inauguration:  Sri S.Suresh Kumar, Minister of Urban Development, Law and Parliamentary Affairs.
Com. MN Prasad, Secretary General, AILRSA.
Com. KAS Mani, Central Vice President , AILRSA.
Com. K .Parthasarathy, Asst General Secretary, AILRSA, SR
Com. MM Roly, Central Organising Secretary, AILRSA.
Vote of Thanks: Com. D Rajkumar, Divisional Secretary, AILRSA Bangalore.
  1. Cultural Program by IPTA, DONGARGARH                   : 20.30 hrs to till completion.
Dear Comrades,
Do not forget to see the Drama "Dark City, Stupid King" to be played by IPTA, DONGARGARH on 16th May'12 during BGM of AILRSA. The drama is based on "Andher Nagari, Choupat Raja," written by Bhartendu Harishchanda during colonial regime. The situations are remaining unchanged even after passing about 150 years. When the drama was 1st played at Varanasi, UP against the British Colonial Government. Please see the details in the Hindi version....
Yours Comradely,
Dinesh Choudhary

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17th May 2012

      Breakfast                                 :            7:30 to 8:30 hrs.

  1. Placement of draft resolution                    :           9:00 to 9:30 hrs.
  2. Discussion on all three documents          :           9:30 hrs to 14:00 hrs.
  3. Break for meal                                              :           14:00 hrs to 15:00 hrs.
  4. Discussion                                                    :           15:00 to 17:30 hrs.
  5. Reply by Secretary General                       :           17:00 to 18:30 hrs.
  6. Election of Office Bearers              :           18:30 hrs to 19:30 hrs.
  7. Vote of thanks by Com. C. Sunish 
General Convener Reception Committee:          19:30 hrs to 20:00 hrs. 
  1. Concluding speech and
conclusion of meeting                                :           20:00 hrs to 20:30 hrs.


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