Monday, September 28, 2009

Rlys yet to fill up top vacanciesSantanu SanyalKolkata, July 27 The Indian Railways is yet to fill up vacancies at the top. As many as four zonal railways are functioning without regular general managers (GMs) and one of them since February, according to Railway sources. The positions of three other GMs will fall vacant shortly, it is learnt.The four zonal railways that are functioning without regular GMs are East Coast Railway (Bhubaneswar), East...
Delhi Metro train derails; all 14 passengers safe________________________________________Accident accountsOn Sunday, train, with 14 passengers on board, derails near Yamuna BridgeA month ago, metro train carrying 34 passengers derailed at Dwaraka station.Inquiry committee set up to probe incident________________________________________Our BureauNew Delhi, Sept. 13 A Delhi Metro train derailed near the Yamuna Bridge in east Delhi, apparently due to...
To Sri. KULDEEP CHATHURVEDI, General Manager, South Western Railway, Hubli.Respected Sir,Sub: Allowing preparation time of 2 hrs beyond Head Quarters rest. Ref: 1. Hours Of Employment Regulations. 2. OA 149/03&801/04 dt: 03.11.2005, of CAT Hyderabad.The rest at Head Quarter is defined as 16/12 hours for a duty of above 8hours/below 8 hours. Rajadhyaksha award is clearly mentioned about the preparation time of...
1)I am S.M.Lokhande/Loco Pilot/SUR wants to put few lines in reference to Micro Sleep the reason of train accident attributed to human failure on administrative account. I mean to say that micro sleep disease attacking on running staff's health due to the administrative lapses only such as non granting of PR, continuous night (Graveyard shift)working, not granting of leave, inadequate facilities at Running Room, lack of interest of enquiry committee's...
Dear comrades,Sub: Proceeding of CWC meeting held at Ghaziabad on 14th & 15th September 2009.The central working committee meeting of AILRSA was held at Central Office Ghaziabad under the mystic influence and presence of our great leader Com. S.K.Dhar. The second day of the meeting started with tribute to him being the first death anniversary. The meeting was held under the control of presidium consisted of Com. L.Mony and Com. N. Sarkar.The...

Friday, September 25, 2009

THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESSBad health of railway drivers lead to train accidents’Sameer Kumar Sharma : ludhiana, train accident, railways Tuesday , Feb 03, 2009 at 0207 hrsLudhiana: As many as 25 small or big train accidents that took place in the recent past were due to what the loco running staff in the Indian railways term as ‘micro-slipping effect’. This has been established by a study conducted in Germany and Japan.Micro-slipping effect is a phenomenon...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION Regd. No. 17903 H/Q. Aravindapally, Lower Beniasol, Post –Adra. Dist –Purulia. Central Office : AILRSA BHAWAN, H.No. 333, Bhoor Bharat Nagar, Ghaziabad – 201001.Tel. No. : 0120-2740025 Date: 18.09.2009Resolutions adopted in CWC meeting which was held...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Howrah-Mumbai train will be inaugurated soon‘All 14 Durontos on track’Kolkata, Sept 19, DH News Service:Railway Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday flagged off the Duronto Express - India’s fastest non-stop train that will cover the 1,454 km distance between Sealdah in West Bengal and New Delhi 90 minutes quicker than the Rajdhani. “This new superfast express that will run at 130 kms per hour, will take 16 hours and 30 minutes to complete the journey...
Since January, SWR is permitting officials to travel only economy classAusterity not new to rly officialsBangalore:Directives to politicians to adopt austerity measures and their relucant adherence to it is making news. But this is not new to top railway bureaucrats in the State who have been traversing the austere road right from the beginning of this year. The Sixth Pay Commission had permitted First Class or Business Class travel by air for railway...
Babus’ graft laid bare on webNew Delhi, Sep 17, DH News Service:In a move that will shame corrupt babus and make ministries and government departments lose face for misdemeanours by their employees, the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) has started putting up on its website names of those officials against whom it has advised sanction for prosecution or imposition of penalty. The first such list of officials, against whom the CVC has advised various...
AN EPITAPH - SHORT STORY V.R.PRAKASH [ZONAL.ASST.SECRETARY / SOUTH ZONE] Nithyananthan was arrested …. It was really dramatic... cant believe even as a dream ….The miraculous thing was that it was happened when he was delivering a speech at the occasion of the condolence meeting in connection with the accidental death of our intimate friend Sathyananthan. He...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

To,The Chief Labour Commissioner (C)Ministry of Labour Sharam Shakti BhawanNew Delhi Respected sir, This Association gave a call to the entire Loco Running Staff over the Indian Railway to observe 24 hrs Fast on 8th Oct, 09 from 0/hrs to 0/hrs. Such a drastic Trade Union action is a natural out come of the apathy showing by the Ministry of Railways on the demands put forward by the workers and the Association. The several protest programs were conducted,...
THE HINDUOnline edition of India's National NewspaperTuesday, Sep 15, 2009ePaper | Mobile/PDA VersionRailway employees feel let down Anil Kumar Sastry ________________________________________The promised bonus still eludes them________________________________________BANGALORE: “These people are paid two and a half months’ salary as bonus, but have been doing a shabby job,” said an irate man standing in queue to buy a ticket at the City Railway Station...
TIMES OF INDIA, BANGALORE. DT 18-09-09-------------------------------------------------------Page 10, 1st coloumn.INDIA DIGESTRly staff get hefty bonus: Around 13.05 lakh railway employees are in for a bonanza with the government on Thursday announcing productivity-linked bonus to them equivalent to 75 days of their wages for the financial year 2008-09. The decision, that will have financial implications to the tune of Rs 889 crore, was taken at...
Finance Ministry Vide letter no. 1/(6)/2009-EII(B) dated 16.09.09 issued order for DA. Revised rate will be effective from 01.07.09. DA will increase from existing 22% to 2...
THE PREY [SHORT STORY] V.R.PRAKASH -- LOCO PILOT/ERODE I smell the trouble at the door steps itself when I entered home …Biji opened the door at the same time Arun came and embraced me... she seemed to be having little worries in her face, which normally I never met with.. I queried through gestures... “You just go and see Praveen. From...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATIONHQ ADRA Reg. No. 17903 AFF to AIRECSOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY ZONE, HUBLIWeb Site: E-mail: ailrsaswr@gmail.comVisit: www.railwayslocopilots.blogspot.comDear Comrades,Recent days it is seen that Railway administration is going too adamant and not accepting any suggestion or proposals from Trade Unions including Recognized Federations. It is proved as in the case of shifting of...

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jet pilots stir ends, flights to resume immediately MUMBAI: The five-day-old stir by Jet Airways pilots ended on Saturday night as the airline management and the agitators reached a settlement under which the four sacked pilots would be reinstated and a consultative group made up of the two sides formed t o resolve all issues. The breakthrough in the impasse between the pilots, who had begun their agitation on Tuesday protesting the sacking of their...
Jetting into an avoidable crisis A. Ranganathan The current crisis in Jet Airways was avoidable. The unfortunate developments have been blamed on the pilots of the National Aviators Guild — an entirely false impression. Pilot-bashing in the media reached its peak when the Jet Airways Chairman, Mr Naresh Goyal, referred to them as terrorists. This objectionable statement is what prompted me to write this article. The spark for this unrest was set...
Stalemate continues in Jet Airways’ talks Vivek Bendre Mumbai/New Delhi, Sept. 12 The impasse between the Jet Airways management and its pilots continued for the fifth day. The Jet Executive Director, Mr Saroj Datta, met with the pilots and put forth the management’s viewpoint. The talks came a day after a marathon eight-hour conciliation proceeding before the Chief Labour Commissioner in New Delhi on Friday remained inconclusive. A spokesman of...

Friday, September 11, 2009


Thursday, September 10, 2009

AILRSA SWR conducted Dharna in front of GM/SWR as per central guide lines on 08.09.09.Dharna was welcomed by Com. K Nishad Divisional Secretary Hubli and Presided over by Com. SD Arnold Zonal President, and inaugurated by Com.S Prasanna kumar, State Secretary CITU. Addressed by Com. C. Sunish, Com. Suppin, Secretray CPI(M) Dharwad District, Com. Donal Raj, Com. PK Sahoo, Com. AH Ayee.Representatives submitted memorandum to ChairMan Railway Board...
New Delhi, Sep 10 (PTI) The government today announced a five per cent increase in the dearness allowance for the central government employees and pensioners, with effect from July this year, entailing an outgo of about Rs 2,904 crore this fiscal. Announcing the decision taken by the union cabinet, information and broadcasting minister Ambika Soni told reporters that the combined impact on the exchequer on account of hike in dearness allowance and...

Friday, September 4, 2009

A questionnare is supplied by RB to all DRM's to submit by todayPlease ensure that our views to be represented. Personal DataDivision: Station: Section:Name of the employee:Designation:Department:Pay in pay band: Grade Pay: QuestionareQ1.Whether you are satisfied with your Job ? (Pl Tick one appropriate box)1-2-Not satisfied3-5-Average satisfied6-8-Very satisfied9-10-Highly...

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