Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Chairman
Railway Board
Rail Bhavan
New Delhi
The Central Working Committee meeting of this Association held at Ghaziabad at his Central Office on 17th and 18th Nov. 2008. The meeting was chaired by its president Com. L. Mony. Delegates from all over India attended the meeting. The house after thread bare discussing of the grievance faced by the Running Staff, especially after the implementation of 6th CPC recommendation unanimously passed the following resolutions:

1. This meeting records its resentment over the prescribed Pay Band and grade Pay allowed to various category of the Loco Running Staff cadre, especially of ALP. The pay packed allowed the Loco Running Staff not commensurate with the responsibility attached to the post. Almost equal amount of pay pocket has been allowed to Loco Pilot and Guard, where as the responsibility, skill, arduousness of duty, and Medical standard, attached the Loco Pilot are much higher than that of the Guard. More-over the Loco Pilot Pay scale was always higher than the guard.

In the case of ALP, the pay scale was stands higher than goods Guard, during I CPC and II CPC, has come down below the Goods Guard every after cadre restructuring and Pay Commission. The fireman ‘A’ under III CPC have the scale of Rs. 290/- - 350/- , like the Goods Guard whose scale was Rs. 290/- - 430/-. On account of cadre restructuring in the year 1983 the Goods Guard Pay scales were raised to Rs. 330/- - 560/-, where as fireman ‘A’ remaining at Rs 290/- - 350/-. The 4th CPC allowed a scale of Rs. 1200/- -2040/- to Goods Guard, where as ALP were allowed with a Pay scale of only Rs. 950/- - 1500/-, equal to Asst. Guard/Brakes-man. The 5th CPC raised the Goods Guard scale to Rs. 4500/- - 7000/-, but for ALP it was Rs. 3050/- -4590/-as a consequence, the ALP grade Pay come to Rs. 1900/-, just Rs. 100/- more than the lowest post. Where as Goods Guard, who were stood in a lower scale than ALP in prior 1973 and in pay with ALP prior 1983, now allowed with a grade pay of 2800/-.

In all these years we are continuously pointed out this position and the miserable condition of the pay packet of ALP. It may be noted that the responsibility, and skill, attached to the post of ALP has drastically increased year after year from 1973. But still no improvement in their pay packet was done to ALP.

The rate of Running allowances and different compensatory allowances should also be formulated without any further delay based on new Pay, relised classification of city and T.A there upon and the appropriate Pay element i.e. 60% as demanded and justified by us. (Pending decision on 60% Pay element the existing 30% may be taken into the consideration). The rate of Running allowance should also be effective from 01.01.2006.

Taking all these into consideration, the opinion and views expressed by its members, we are constrained to organize some Trade Union programmes in order to call the attention of the Ministry of Railway and Government of India to our grievances, which needs to be resolved amicably and satisfactorily.

The programmes are as follows.

1. Demand day duly wearing badge on 23rd Dec. 08
2. 36hrs. Hunger Strike in front of all DRM Office 29th Dec’2008
3. Rally to Rail Bhawan on 6th Feb’ 2009
4. In case failing to get Justice ever after repeated submission of grievances and drawing the attention of Government the Association may be constrained to go for a painful direct action

2. The CWC has also resolved to nominate Sri. M. N. Prasad to act as Secretary General in place of Com, S. K. Dhar till next BGM who died on 15th September 2008.

We hope that your goodself will settle the issues amicably before the situation goes to the level where the Association may be forced to resort these painful agitations.

With kind regards,

M. N. Prasad
Act. Secy. General

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