Friday, April 17, 2009


1. As decided by our CWC meeting which met on 25th, 26th March 2009 at Chennai in extended form and the decision ratified by Zonal committee/C. Railway which met on 5th April 2009 at Nagpur, the central BGM will be held on 25th 26th June 2009 starting from 9hrs positively.
2. All the Zonal secretaries are requested to ensure that their delegates/visitors much reach Nagpur by evening of 24th June 2009 to enable us to start our program in time i.e. 9 hrs sharp on 25th June 2009.
3. The delegates / visitors should note that the meeting will only be concluded by 21 hrs. on 26th June 2009, so they are advised to make their return reservation accordingly.
4. The accommodation will be available from 24th June to 6 O’clock of 27th June 2009.
5. All the delegates are advised to come with their Divisional and Zonal banners.
6. The delegate fee will be Rs. 450/-only for each delegates / visitors. The child of below 10 Yrs and the CWC member / guests will not be required to pay delegates’ fee.
7. You must inform well in advance, your arrival at Nagpur with train no. to Com, M. P. Deo, Cell no. 09422128442 and Com, S. K. Gautam Cell. No. 09975215716
8. You are also invited to file a nomination for the following posts if so desire and that must reach to either Central office, AILRSA Bhawan 333, Bhoor Bharat Nagar, Gaziabad, (UP) or to Secretary General’s residential address i.e. Aravindapally, Post: - Adra, Dist: - Purulia 723121 (West Bengal), at least 10 days before of the BGM i.e. by 15th June 2009, duly forwarded by Branch Secretary with number of M / Ship receipt at least for two years.
The Branch Secretaries are advised to circulate this notification widely.
Posts for which nomination are called for: -
Central President : One
Central working president : One
Central Vice President : Four
Secretary General : One
Joint Secretary General : Two
Assistant Secretary General : Two
Organizing Secretaries : Sixteen (16) (One for each Zone)
Treasure :one
In addition to Zonal secretaries’ and Presidents who are the ex-officio Central Committee, members, the nomination is invited for 16 more members i.e. one for each Zone in CEC.

M. N. Prasad
Secretary General

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