Monday, May 7, 2018


What is RAC 1980 Formula? 

30% of mean of the scale of pay of Loco Pilot Passenger + 20 Days TA X 100 

Monthly average kilometre of Loco Pilot Passenger 

The Running Allowance rate should come to as follows 

AILRSA Demand: 

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900 

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 5100 

(22170+16000)/5100 x100 =748 per 100 KMS. 

NFIR Demand: 

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900 

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 4000 

(22170+16800)/4000 x100 =974 per 100 KMS. 

Here NFIR took 21 days TA and National Average KMS 4000 

AIRF Demand: 

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900 

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 4700 

(22170+16000)/5100 x100 =812 per 100 KMS. 

Here AIRF took National Average KMS as 4700. 

AILRSA, NFIR & AIRF has a common stand that mileage to be finalized as per RAC 1980 formula. Even NFIR accepted that during finalization of Running Allowance rate in 2008 they were cheated by Railway Board. 

5th CPC mileage rate was 83 and TA rate was 105. Joint committee recommended doubling of Mileage and finalized 170 where as TA rate was increased to 340. 

Here there is another Trade union called Irlro, their demand is not clearly mentioned anywhere. 

As per their leader Pandhi 

KMA rates as per 1980 rates is not practical and feasible. 

Irlro and WRMA, AIGC has agreed to a new formula that can be possible. 

The rates we all believe may be ex. 365 to 413 per 100 kms for LPM” 

In their notice published dated 01.05.2018 under the Demands heading item no 8 is as follows 

8. Fix the Running Allowance as per the proposal put forth by the Irlro. 

So what is the proposal? Let the leaders clarify. 

Railway Board has conducted a number of meetings with both recognised federations to finalise the Running Allowance. But unable to find a solution and still the decision is dragging. 

Hence AILRSA organizing BLACK DAYS on 14, 15 & 16 May 2018, and to Conduct a Mass Demonstration in front of all DRM offices. 


1. Revise Running Allowance as per RAC 1980 formula. 

2. Rectify the anomalous order (RBE 13/2018) on revision of pension and ensure parity in pension between pre and post 2016 retired running staff. 

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