M.N.Prasad A.K.Srivastava
Vice President , AILRSA &NC JAC Vice President AIGE&NC,JAC
Ref: ……………… Date: …02.02.2017
Sri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu
Hon. Minister for Railways
Rail Bhavan
New Delhi.
Respected Sir,
Sub: Resolution from strike proclamation convention held at NDLS on 2nd February 2017.
The convention observed that some of the demand put forth by running staff of Indian Railway are being conceded by the Ministry of Railways and orders were issued to implement the same, especially on the issue of pay element of 30% for in service benefits and 55% for pensionary benefits.
Many of the recommendations of HPC on duty hours and rest period, which were kept in cold storage for the past 4 years, now been conceded and issued orders to implement it.
Considering this positive response from the Ministry of Railways , this convention think it appropriate to pause in taking a decision to go for a direct action as decided in the Biennial General Body meeting held on 18th and 19th of November 2016 at Jalandhar.
But still the running staff are disillusioned and disappointed as many of the vital recommendations of HPC to improve safety in Railways are been diluted to the extent that it becomes rejected. In the case of Periodical Rest the recommendation is to allow 40 hours, but Ministry of Railways rejected it and sticks to the old rule of 22hrs/30 hrs. The recommendations of HPC to reduce the continuous night duty to 2 trips and 3rd trip with some restriction has been mercilessly rejected and imposed 4 continuous night duties. 2 hours preparation time should be allowed in addition to head quarters and outstation rest of 16/8 hours respectively.
Likewise our demand to reconsider the level in the Pay Matrix allowed to ALP to LP Mail has not been heeded so far nor any process started. Our demand to retain the formula to calculate rate of running allowance not been conceded.
While 14.29% increase has been ensured in pay on fixation in 7th CPC Pay Matrix for entire Government Employees and Pensioners, as per the Resolution of the Government of India, the discrimination to running staff has not been rectified.
To press these demands and to give enough time to the Ministry of Railways to concede the demands, this convention give a clarion call to the entire running staff to observe 36 hours Fast from Tuesday 25th April to Wednesday 26th April 2017,
The Central Committee members along with comrades of Delhi Division will sit in fast during this period before the Railway Board. Running staff all over India will sit in fast in their respective divisional head quarters. All running staff whether on duty or off duty will be on fast and will not take food from running room.
If no positive action is seen from the Ministry of Railways within this period, this Association will be forced to enter into a strike.
Thanking You
Yours Sincerely
M. N Prasad A.K.Srivastava
Secretary General General Secretary
M.P.Deo & S.K.Shukla
Joint Conveners
Copy to: Chairman, Railway Board/New Delhi
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