Tuesday, February 14, 2017



M.N.Prasad                                                                                  A.K.Srivastava

SECRETARY GENERAL                                                          SECRETARY GENERAL

M.P.DEO                                                                                     S.K.SHUKLA

Vice President , AILRSA &NC JAC                                         Vice President AIGE&NC,JAC


Ref: ………………                                                                                            Date: …02.02.2017



Sri Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu

Hon. Minister for Railways

Rail Bhavan

New Delhi.

Respected Sir,


The Biennial General Conference of All India Loco Running Staff Association was held at Com. Joginder Singh Nagar (DesabhakthYadgar complex) Jalandhar on 18th and 19th November 2016. The meeting adopted the resolutions on long pending demands and are submitted to the concerned authorities for necessary action. Like wise the AIGC also did so. 

Due to unprecedented delay in conceding the demands of Running staff, All India Loco Running Staff Association (AILRSA) and All India Guards Council (AIGC) decided to conduct mass DHARNA before Parliament on 02.02.2017, to draw the attention of the Rly. Administration in order to resolve the grievance in the interest of productivity in the Railway.

We hope the Ministry of Railways will appreciate our demands and resolve the same amicably. A negative attitude leads to unrest, resentment and let down feelings among the Running staff, which constrains us to take extreme steps to go for the direct action on any day after 1st march 2017.

Charter of demand

l. Ensure 14.29% raise in pay fixation under Vll CPC

The Govt. Resolution on VII CPC stipulate that 14.29% raise in pay is to be ensured while fixing the pay in new pay matrix, in consideration that unlike other employees the DA component of Running staff is in a different footing. The illustration given in the notification does not satisfy the policy in the resolution in this effect and we demand to issue orders to ensure 14.29% increase to running staff also.

ll. Scrap empowered committee on Running allowance

The only intention behind the constitution of the above empowered committee on running allowance is to abrogate the benefit of running staff enjoyed for the past several decades,such as the pay element and the well settled formula to calculate the rate of kilometerage allowance.Any abrogation on these will not only drastically reduce the pay packet of running staff but abrogation of right of Running Staff. More over the relative increase in pay allowed to Govt. Servant on implementation of Vll CPC will not accrue to the running staff. So the running allowance rates should be fixed according to RAC 80 formula.

lll. Rectify the anomalies in the levels of pay allotted for running staff

By alloting level 6 to all the posts from Loco Pilot Shunting to Loco Pilot Mail created a position that the feeder and 3 promotional posts lie in the same level in the Pay Matrix. There is no enhancement in Pay Levels on shouldering higher responsibility when moving from one post to higher post,each which demand more skill and higher responsibility.

Added to that, the Level allotted to Assistant Loco Pilot is just one stage above the lowest post in Govt. Service. It may be noted that the recruitment qualification,the medical standards and the induction training required to man the post of ALP are at a higher level than the lowest post. The same pay anomalies do exist in Guards category too. Many posts in other departments in Railways as well as in Central Govt who had same GP of 1900 has been allowed with much higher level than the ALP.

lV. Review the decision of Ministry of Railways on HPC recommendations

The Government of India agreed to constitute a Judicial committee to go into the issue of working hours and rest periods of running staff in the year 2006 with the JCM. After a considerable delay, the Ministry of Railways constituted the HPC with railway officers, denying Judicial committee for an impartial assessment of the matter.

The said committee, though its members are erstwhile Railway officers , after detailed analysis and deliberation not only with the staff side but also with highly placed officers of Railways,submitted its report in the year 2013. After two years the Railway board, in the name of accepting these recommendations, diluted it to an extent that it became a rejection of most of the recommendations. Further, the Railway Board did also not consider the views and the suggestions placed by AILRSA on duty hours,out station stay, recommendation of RLC Chennai and also the Ministry of Labour. We are very particular that the recommendations of HPC to limit continuous night duties to 2 and at exigencies if third night if required should be towards the Head quarters and 40 hours of Periodical Rest which should be implemented without any change.

V. Reconsider the decision to impose removal from service as minimum penalty for SPAD

Though the high power judicial committee headed by H.R.Khanna and many other committees had recommended/ suggested not to impose removal from service for simply passing a signal for a few meters. But the Railway Board is not changing their mind set. Even in the cases where there are contributory factors such as total failure of brakes that lead to the SPAD the Railway insists that the disciplinary authority should not take the contributory factors into consideration and to impose removal from service.This is arbitrary, inhuman and against all cannons of justice and fair play.

VI. Scrap NPS

Scrap PFRDA Act and New Pension System (NPS) and grant pension and Family Pension to all Railway employees recruited after 01.01.2004, under Railway Services (Pension) Rules 1993, as pension is right of the employee but not bounty. The NPS does not take care of this aspect and hence demand to continue the old defined emolument pension scheme.

Vll. Include Guard in safety category

Include Guard in safety category and stop running of trains without Brake Van and Guard.

Thanking You

                                                                                                         Yours’ Sincerely 

                         M. N Prasad                                                                              A.K.Srivastava 

                           Secretary General                                                                  General Secretary 

                          AILRSA                                                                                    AIGC 

M.P.Deo &   S.K.Shukla 

Joint Convener 

Copy to: Chairman, Railway Board/New Delhi.

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