Monday, July 31, 2017

National Council( JCM) representing the employees in Central Govt sector- Income Tax, Audit etc, Postal Employees, Defence Employees and Railway Employees jointly conducted a convention at New Delhi on 11.12.2014 and adopted a joint declaration demanding the Central Government to settle the ten point charter of demands also against the anti workers policies. Subsequently National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) was formed. Due to various reasons strike action was delayed.

04.02.2014 – The then Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh gave approval for constituting the 7th Central Pay Commission under the chairmanship of Justice A.K.Mathur.

The report, which was supposed to be submitted in August, was delayed when the Pay Commission, on 27.08.2015, asked for an extension of four months to complete its report.

NJCA organised a massive Dharna in front of Jantar Manthar, New Delhi on 19.11.2015 demanding release of 7th CPC report, same day CPC submitted their report to Government

Important Recommendations of 7th CPC

1. Date Of Effect – 01.01.2016 -JCM Staff Side demand – 01.01.2014 - Rejected

2. Minimum Pay – 18000 JCM (SS) demand – 26000 – Rejected

3. Fitment Formula – 2.57 TIMES JCM (SS) demand – multiplication factor 3.7 (26000/7000)

4. Fixation On Promotion – No Change – Only One Increment In The Old Scale

JCM (SS) demand – Minimum two increments fixation.

5. Annual Increment – 3% No Change JCM (SS) demand – 5%

6. Modified Assured Career Progression – No Change – 10, 20, 30

Conditions made more stringent. Bench mark “Very Good” required instead of “good”. Examination for MACP proposed. Hierarchical promotion restored.

JCM (SS) demand: Five promotion – 8,7,6,5,4 (30 years)

7. Pay Band, Grade Pay System Abolished

New Pension Structure called “Matrix based open ended pay structure” recommended. Total span of the scale 40 years.

JCM (SS) demand: Abolish pay band, Grade Pay system and open ended pay scales should be introduced.

8. Maximum Pay Increase – 14.29% JCM (SS) demand – Minimum 40% increase for all employees.

9 . Comparison between Minimum and Maximum Pay – 1:11.4 (18000: 205400)

Demand of the JCM (SS) – 1:8

10. Number of Pay Scales – Not Reduced 

JCM(SS) demand – pay scales with grade pay 1900, 2000, 4600, 8700 and the pay scale 75500-80000 to be abolished.

11. Allowances – No Improvement

12. HRA Reduced To 24%, 16% And 8% For X, Y And Z Cities

JCM (SS) demand – Existing HRA of 30%, 20% and 10% may be increased to 60%, 40% and 20%.

NJCA organised Massive Dharna in different parts of country 19, 20 & 21 Jan, 2016. Government forced to form Empowered Committee 

The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modi, has given its approval for setting up an Empowered Committee of Secretaries under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary, in order to process the recommendations of 7th CPC in an overall perspective.

NJCA declared indefinite strike from 11.04.2016, but due to elections for 4 states it deferred to 11.07.2016

Details Regarding strike negotiation and settlement:

The NJCA met the Home Minister in a delegation. The issues in the Charter of demands were discussed with special reference to the 7th CPC related demands. The delegation brought to the notice of the Hon Home Minister that the NJCA has not received a communication from the Government over the assurances held out on 30th June, 2016, when the NJCA delegation met the Hon Home Minister, Finance Minister and the Railway Minister. The Government had assured to refer the revision of Minimum wage and fitment formula to a High Level Committee of Ministers. They added that such a communication in confirmation of the assurances will enable them to take a decision over the strike action which is to commence from 11th July, 2016.

The Hon Home Minister assured the delegation that the Government will honour the assurances held out to the NJCA leaders on 30th June, 2016 Finance minister has issued a press statement in this regard.

During the course of discussion Sri Kannaiah, General Secretary SRMU issued a press statement that the strike is deferred without consulting with leaders of NJCA which spoils the bargaining capacity of NJCA before government.


After the meeting with the Home Minister today by the NJCA and further developments leading to issue of a Press Release by the Government of India assuring consideration of the issues raised by the Staff Side relating to the pay scales and other recommendations of the Pay Commission by a High Level Committee, the NJCA has decided to defer the Indefinite Strike in the background of meetings with the Ministers and the assurance by the Government of India.

Confederation planned phase wise programs, Demonstration before the offices on 20.10.16, Area wise Dharna on 07.11.16, Parliament March on 15.12.16 to maintain the tempo. 30.12.16 is organized as Black Day.

Confederation decided to go for one day strike on 15.02.17, later postponed to 16.03.17 due to election of 5 states.

27.04.17 The Committee on Allowances headed by Shri Ashok Lavasa, Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expenditure) submitted its Report to the Union Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitle

22.06.17 Confederation organized Human Chain of Central Government Employees and Pensioners , at different locations.

28.06.17 Cabinet approves the 7th CPC allowances.

Sri Shiv Gopal Mishra welcomes Govt decision.( Railway Trade Union leaders are always support the management due to different reasons.)

Confederation leaders reacted sharply against the statement of Shiv Gopal Mishra.

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