Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Safety Bill: Motor Workers to Hold Stir on Thursday
24th April 2015
KOCHI:The Kerala State Private Motor Thozhilali Federation (AITUC) will strike work on April 30 to protest against the Central Government’s move to enact the Road Transport and Safety Bill - 2014.

The Federation said the new Bill, if implemented, would have dire consequences on the lives of the 4.5-crore motor workers in the country. “About 16 lakh motor workers in Kerala will join the one-day country-wide token strike on April 30,” said Federation president J Udhayabhanu and general secretary Joy Joseph in a joint statement.
They said the new Bill would subject the motor workers to jail terms for minor offences, and put their families to unnecessary distress. The draft Bill proposes heavy penalties for traffic violations, besides envisaging  penalties up to Rs 3 lakh along with a minimum of 7-year imprisonment, which can be given for causing death of a child, in certain circumstances. It also proposes fine of Rs 5 lakh per vehicle and imprisonment for faulty manufacturing design. The Bill also envisages cancellation of driving licence for rash and negligent driving.
“If the Bill is enacted, RT Offices would come to a standstill and the state governments would have no powers over the motor vehicle sector. Commissions with representatives from corporate houses and top bureaucrats would have all the powers on motor vehicles, which would result in workers getting punished for offences not committed by them,” the Federation said.
“We urge everyone who use motor vehicles to take part in the strike, and to protest against implementation of the new Bill,” the officials said.

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