Monday, February 23, 2015


1.       Stop FDI & PPP in Indian railways and the proposed anti labour laws.
2.       Grant 7th CPC Pay Scales to Loco Running Staff as demanded by AILRSA w.e.f. 1-1-2014.
3.       Merge 50% DA in Basic Pay.
4.       Immediately declare interim relief.
5.       Withdraw new pension scheme
6.       Stop imposing “Removal from Service” for SPAD Cases
7.       Implement the recommendations of High Power Committee on HOER , High Level Safety Review Committee (Chaired by Dr. Anil Kakodkar ),Railway Board’s minutes on SPAD, without any further  delay.
8.       Declare Loco Running Staff as “intensive” Category and implement 6 hrs. Working for coaching crew.
9.       Stop Inter Zonal Working.
10.   Immediately solve the irregularities in Crew Management System (CMS) & any deficiencies/defects while Signing ON/OFF should be rectified by CMS Staff only and do not shift that burden on the Loco Running Staff.
11.   As per the Railway Board Norms restore the TXR Staff Checking at KAPT, where the work of the TXR Staff were shifted to the loco running staff (GLP Check) compromising safety.         
12.   Improve the running room facilities and the quality of subsidized meals (particularly the packed meals, which gets spoiled often.)
13.   Integrate the 3 Running Rooms of SCMN, DYD and VSPS in to a single unified running room.
14.   Immediately implement up gradation of ALPs to the extent of 80%.    
15.   Provide Ear-Marked accommodation for crew travelling spare (Pilot).
16.   Fill up all vacancies and Maintain 30% leave& 10% trainee reserve and grant leave PR and Sick without any discrimination.
17.   Maintain Grievance registers in all crew lobbies.
18.   Grant Promotional Increments for promotion from Sr.ALP to LP (Shg.) and LP (Shg.) I to LP (G) II.
19.   Withdraw railway board orders imposing only CLIs to the post of CCC, CTLC and CPRC.
20.   Continue the BZA depot of SC division, in case of the proposed creation of new zone/bifurcation of the existing zone
21.   Immediately promote the Adhoc Loco Pilots (Nearly 500 in SC Division) and Loco Pilots working in officiating capacity. 
22.   Provide good quality uniform cloth with unique color and enhance the stitching allowance at par with prevailing market rates.
23.   Withdraw the proposed biometric attendance system for Railway men in general and Loco Running Staff in particular.

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