Monday, February 23, 2015

I am herewith forwarding the decisions and resolutions in 6 pages adopted in CEC held at Secunderabad for compliance.


        The Central Executive Committee meeting of All India Loco Running Staff Association was held at Reddy’s Lodge, Secunderabad on 21st and 22nd February 2015 under the presidentship of presidium headed by Com. N.B.Dutta, Working President and the following resolutions were passed unanimously.


1.   On latest proposals of private investment and FDI in Railways.
       Privatisation and outsourcing in Railways are being taken place in Railways since long. The Central Governments in power earlier, whether NDA, UF or UPA, all were afraid of the consequences of privatizing the Railways, so they tried privatisation with ancillary and supporting works.
        Now there is a quantum change in the policies as the present Govt assumed office at centre which is evident from the RB letter dated 20.11.2014 and its annexures.
1.          The present structure of Railway Board which controls the Indian Railways, public sector establishments of coach factories, production units and Konkan Railway and corporations like CONCOR, Railnet, IRCTC, etc under a unified control, is proposed to be abandoned and a committee is constituted for it.
2.          Private investment is invited in operation of train service too, duly engaging private Loco Pilots, Station Masters, etc.
3.          Existing railway lines are also proposed for handing over to private or FDI on the plea of enhancement of track strength fit to run at 120 kmph or more, including operations.
4.          Four loco sheds at Barauni (ECR), Daund(CR), Mughalsarai(ECR) and Bondamunda(SER) are exhibited for selling at a cost of Rs.300 crore and 6 loco pilots’ training centers alongwith simulators at Mughalsarai(ECR), Kurla(CR), Asonsol(ER), Vishakapatnam(ECoR), Kanpur(NCR) and Avadi(SR) are also exhibited for sale for a cost of 20 crores per center.
        This meeting cautions the Govt of India that the above proposals are detrimental to the safety and health of Indian Railways and will end up only in the decline of the glorious Railway system, losing cheap means of transportation to the people and also loss of wage and job to Railway employees and hence demand to withdraw the said letter.
        We also call upon the entire Railway men in general and loco running staff in particular to get educated on the hazards and propagate it among the public and fight tooth and nail to defeat the move.

I) Provision Of Camera In Locomotive.
        It is proposed by the Railway Board to install camera in the locomotive cabs to watch the activities of the engine crew. In this regard it is humbly submitted that the locomotive cab ergonomics lacks in standard, this causes the engine crew activities different from the other staff while on duty in offices / sheds which may be construed as wrong by others.
        Now there are many gadgets provided like speedometer recorder, VCD recorder, data logger, computer aided console, etc. From these, various data can be obtained which facilitates to watch the activities performed by the engine crew in seconds detail and even in milliseconds. Having so, the installing of camera inside the locomotive cannot be a prudent one. It is our submission that to prevent SPAD as suggested by various committees ETCS level 2, cab signaling, ATP, AWS, ACD,etc which will in real sense will prevent accidents. And also no committee suggest to install camera inside the cab but HPC recommended vide para 9.76 to install camera outside the locomotive and a display unit inside the cab so as to watch the formation and Guard’s signal without peeping out by the engine crew.
        Moreover there is no facility inside the locomotive to attend the biological needs of engine crew which is the most essential item that is to be addressed immediately and not the camera.
        Further, most importantly the installing of the camera inside the cab is discriminating and affects the driving performance and morale of the Loco pilots and Assistant loco pilots.
        Considering the above, it is requested not to install the camera inside the cab and requested to implement the positive recommendation of various committees like HPC, SPAD directives from Railway Board dt 14.06.2012 and HLSRC to improve safety and efficiency of Railways.

II) Improve The Running Room Conditions:
        Improve the running room conditions by providing Air Conditioners in all the running rooms and the quality of subsidiary meals to be improved by duly increasing the subsidy amount which can only ensure the good quality food for which the RBO that Rs.27/- or 90% of the cost of meal whichever is less to be modified to 90% of cost of meal shall be subsidized.

III) Implement The Recommendations Of Different Committees:
        The various recommendations of many committees like HPC, HLSRC, SPAD directives on 14.06.2012 formed by the Railway Board itself to improve the safety and working conditions of loco running staff are not being implemented though years lapsed. Hence, it is requested to implement the recommendations of these committees in a time bound manner to the satisfaction of loco running staff.

IV) Limit night duties and restrict extended working:
        All the Mail / Express crew links shall be so arranged that consecutive night duties shall not be more than two and a clear rest shall be provided so as to improve the alertness and the driving performance of engine crew. More over crew should work in their own Railway to avoid conflicting signaling system and to avoid violation of SR and local instructions


I.          On proposed Strike by JCM unions including AIRF & NFIR on 17 point  demands:
1.          The charter of demands framed by JCM unions is most important to the entire Central Government employees. The ongoing joint agitations and formation of Joint Action Committee is a most welcomeable sign for which AILRSA was advocating since long. So the CEC of AILRSA held at Secunderabad on 21st and 22nd Feb decided as under:
a)          Propagate the demands among the loco running staff and others jointly with likeminded unions if possible or otherwise independently at all levels.
b)         Participating in Delhi Rally of Central Govt. Employees on 28th April 2015: Participate in the proposed Delhi Rally with comrades from neighbouring divisions, is so invited. Conduct Solidarity Demonstrations at all levels collectively wherever possible.  If this is not possible hold independent demonstrations.

2.          AILRSA will serve strike notice duly adding the demands specific to the loco running staff which are enumerated in our Memorandum to the PM dated 14-07-2014 and join the strike.

3.          AILRSA will send a letter to the JCM Unions requesting them to widen the JCM incorporating all registered trade unions in central services for building up confidence and cooperation among different sections of workers.

4.          A Ten-Member committee comprising of Com. L Mony, Com. MN Prasad, Com. T Hanumaiah, Com. KC James, Com. MK Shaji, Com. CK Sarkar, Com. NB Dutta, Com. PC Jha, Com Paramjith Singh, Com. Lunaram Siyag and Com. C. Sunish is entrusted to take decisions  on the subject of coordinating with JCM Unions, finalize our tactics and organising the strike.

5.          All office-bearers at all levels are requested to actively prepare for the strike and report every developments to the higher committees to enable the action committee to evaluate the situation, extend possible helps and properly guide the agitation.


1.          20TH BGM had decided on a series of action programmes on the following subjects:
(a)        New proposals of privatizations and allowing FDI in railways;
(b)       Educate the cadre about the move of the railways referring pay element and running allowance to the 7th CPC and explaining the false submissions of Railway Board before the 7th CPC;
(c)        Implementation of Khanna Committee recommendation  not to treat SPAD without consequences as an accident, HPC, HLSRC recommendations and SPAD Directives.
(d)       Protesting against JPOs adversely affecting railway safety.
2.          The following agitation programmes were also decided in the 20th BGM:
(a)             Divisional demonstrations and submission of Memorandum in Dec 2014.
(b)          Divisional Convention in January 2015.
(c)             Zonal Convention and submission of Memorandum in February 15th, 2015.
(d)            24 Hours hunger fast at zonal level in March 2015.
(e)             Parliament Rally during April 2015.
3.          This CEC decided to conduct whichever programmes are not yet conducted to local reasons shall be conducted within 15th March 2015.
4.          Conduct 24 hours Hunger Fast in every zone at a convenient place or sit in Mass Fast on day time for 2 days, on 26/27 March 2015.
5.          Hold Delhi Rally on 4th May 2015 after CEC Meeting on 3rd May to evaluate developments and give more input to the Ten Member Committee to take proper decision and announce it in the Rally. 

The following Five Member Media Committee is constituted as decided by the 20th BGM to respond either in combination or in single to various issues adversely affecting the interest loco running staff and AILRSA.  They are authorised to communicate through whatsoever means with the public, officialdom, electronic / print media, social networking sites etc.  All office-bearers at all levels are directed to contact them in case of any accident or any situation warranting a media response from AILRSA so as to enable them to update with latest developments. 

Com. L. Mony, President; 0944 620 7312.
Com. M.N.Prasad, Secretary General;0943 400 8950.
Com. T.Hanumaiah, Vice President;09052634495
Com. Koparkar, General Secretary, Central Railway,09869369736
Com. Ram Sharan, Vice President,09717654544


        The following Loco Pilots Training Centres along with simulators are proposed to hand over to private/FDI on payment by Railways per trainee.
1)         Mughal Sarai, ECR.
2)         Kurla, CR.
3)         Asan sol, ER.
4)         Visakhapatnam, ECoR.
5)         Kanpur, NCR.
6)         Avadi, SR.

        The following loco sheds are also proposed to be handed over to Private/FDI on payment of maintenance cost per locomotive:
1)         Barauni, ECR.
2)         Daund, CR.
3)         Mughal Sarai, ECR.
4)         Banda Munda, SER.
        We decide to take a save Zonal Training School/Loco Shed campaign by respective zones:
1)         Conduct massive poster campaign;
2)         Hold demonstrations in front of the training centres.
        If AILRSA alone is organising 28th April programme it shall be held before training centre/loco shed.  Give more importance for this if 28th April programme is organized jointly.

V) Membership statement along with Central Quota must be deposited to be centre by end of FEB ,2015.

VI) The Central Office Bearers who did not attend CEC @ SC on 21st and 22nd  FEB,2015 should meet Com .Jit Singh Tank, on 2nd or 3rd March 2015 at GZB or on 5th, 6th March,2015 at Bardwan and sign form-8 for renewal of registration of the organisation.

VII) The Levy towards capital NIT at the rate of  Rs.7000/- per year from 2012 (Three Installments) shall be cleared immediately.

VIII)The cost of books on 7th CPC memorandum to be cleared by every zone at the     earliest.

IX) Com. K.Ravi Chandran/SR is requested to submit the draft on AILRSA History at the earliest, so that we can place it in the next CEC Meeting at Delhi on 3rd May, 2015.  



Secunderabad                                                                       (MN Prasad)
 23.02.2015                                                                      Secretary General

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