Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cabinet nod for changes in FDI, juvenile law

Amit Baruah &
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved amendments to the Juvenile Justice Act and allowed 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Railways apart from raising the FDI cap in Defence from 26 to 49 per cent. The FDI decisions operationalise proposals made by the government in the Union and Railway budgets.
The amendments proposed to the Juvenile Justice Act will allow the Juvenile Justice Board to decide whether those in the age group of 16 to 18 can be tried as adults in case of heinous crimes.
A source emphasised that the government decisions relating to FDI were aimed at creating domestic manufacturing facilities with a view to create new jobs.
The Cabinet approved 100 per cent FDI in high-speed train systems, suburban corridors and dedicated freight line projects implemented in PPP mode.

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