Oral evidence before the High Power Committee on HOER
A six member delegation headed by Com. M.N.Prasad, Sec. General with Com. D.S. Koparkar, B.N. Baradwaj, R.K.Rana,M.M.Roly and R.Murali met High Power Committee(HPC) on HOER on 11.08.2011 and submitted a detailed memorandum. Chairman of the HPC Shri. D.P.Tripathi with members Shri.V.K.Manglik, Shri.M.S.Khan, Shri.Anil Kumar Gulati, Secretary to the committee and two officials from Rly. Bd. were present.
Chairman welcomed the delegation and assured an open mind towards the problem faced by Loco running staff in the issue of working hours and allied matters. Our Sec.General thanked the HPC for allowing us an opportunity to present the views of the Loco running staff.
Sec. General very effectively explained the issues which cause physical and mental fatigue to the Loco running staff such as higher speed, increased load, increased no. of signals, stations, gate signals, extended crew beat, multiple direction working, multiple train working, long hauled train working , working in different tractions, lack of standards in providing equipments like A9, SA9, speedometer etc., in the locos, provision of advanced gadgets like VCD, TPWS, ACD etc.
We also explained present order for train examination and certification by Loco Pilots en-route which increased the work load. Now-a-days due the introduction of advanced technology locos, the demand over Loco Pilots for attention and maintenance of locos in the case of trouble are very high which is at a level expected of from technical experts or engineering graduates.
On the above grounds demanded reclassification of Loco running staff as Intensive.
Association demanded, the HPC to travel in different types of trains/ sections and conduct a scientific job analysis which will prove the working of Loco Pilots in all types of Super Fast/Mail&Exp/ Passenger/ EMU/ MEMU and Goods train as Intensive. In the case of EMU/ MEMU/ DEMU trains besides Intensive classification, demanded one hour break in between six hour duty being a single man operation and for Mail & Exp/ Passenger trains, 5 to 10 minutes break as meal/ personnel need break, in the absence of toilet facilities etc. in the cab and as done even in Animals Act.
Association pointed out micro-sleep due to sleep deprivation as reasons for SPAD cases at lesser speed and thus demanded to restrict continuous night duties to the maximum of two with an interval of two days between them. We demanded minimum of 16 plus 2 hours (preparatory time) rest at Head quarters and 8 plus 1 hour(preparatory time) at Out stations. Regarding condition of running rooms, cubicles/two bedded rooms with AC facilities and quality food are demanded.
Limiting the absence form Head quarters to 36 hours in line with Rly. Bd. order, granting of 30 hours PR excluding minimum Head quarters rest eligible after each duty are also placed.Presently emergency clause in the rules is misinterpreted frequently. So we demanded to define Emergency clause clearly. As conclusion Sec. General thanked the committee for patient hearing and expressed willingness to clarify much additional points explained in the memorandum, if called for.
In reply, Chairman assured sympathetic consideration on all our issues, since Loco running staff being a sensitive and very important category. He informed that the HPC will open a Web site link in a week time for more interaction with staff.
Chairman also thanked the delegation for an in-depth presentation and constructive approach by the Association.
Discussion lasted for 75 minutes.
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