Thursday, June 27, 2019


The CWC meeting of AILRSA held at Ghaziabad on 23.06.2019 has discussed deeply on the prevailing situations arouse after the announcement of the Running Allowance rates, declaration of 100 days ‘ action program of Railways, implementation of past decisions on campaign and preparation for strike and over all position in various zones. Summarising the views of the participants from all the zones meeting took the following decisions. 


The declaration of Rs. 525 as mileage is being viewed by other sections of workers as a bonanza for the running staff. The propaganda of the Federations created a situation among other sections of workers too. 

Govt. of India has declared 100 days’ action programme on 18.06.2019 which is nothing but a calculated move to implement Bibek Debroy Committee report for unbundling the Indian Railways, to privatise the Railways part by part, weaken the Railways as a whole and bring it under the Surface Transportation Ministry. 

While so, a strike action on the issue of running allowance immediately at this stage will be viewed as an isolated action with least concern about the job security of the Railway workers as a whole while the most disastrous 100 days’ action program has been declared. 

So the CWC meeting decides to defer the strike decision taken at the Kota CWC but our struggle will continue for fixing the running Allowance as per RAC 80 formula, Parity in pension for pre 2016 Running Staff Pensioners, Abolition of NPS, implementation of recommendations of various safety committees and more prominently against the challenges of 100 days’ action program. 

The zonal strike proclamation convention programmed on 27.06.2019 should be convened in such a way to explain the decision and implement the protest program on 15.07.2019. 

The CWC directs all zonal, divisional and branch committees to organise 24 hours hunger fast program from morning of 15.07.2019. 


A press release to be issued by this CWC on 100 days’ action program. Central, Zonal and Divisional committees shall try their level best for united protests against the 100 days’ action program including conventions, demonstrations, etc. 

Secretary General shall write to all the trade unions in Railways for a joint action and shall convene a joint meeting for that if Possible. 


AILRSA is formed in 1970 at the unity conference at Vijayawada on 25, 26 August. Being the GOLDEN JUBILEE YEAR starts on 26th( Monday) August 2019, all the Zonal, Division and Branches are directed to organise Gate Meeting on 26h August (Monday)as an inauguration of Golden Jubilee Celebration and organise TU program Convention etc as a part of celebration. 


There is a proposal for conducting Secret Ballot Elections for Recognition of Railway Trade unions in August 2019. Since elections are conducted in Zonal level AILRSA CWC authorise Zonal Committees to take appropriate decision to support suitable unions that have stood behind our agitations according to local conditions. 


CWC also decide that our preparatory programs for strike action should continue. Organisational programs shall be decided and implemented to overcome the weakness and to counter the false propaganda on the rates of Running Allowance. Membership campaign should be intensified to achieve the target of 60 % all over India. Financial Support to SER is to be taken serious; the defaulter zones may discus in your meeting. 

We will continue on struggles till we achieve our demands. 

                                                                                                      Yours Comradely 

Ghaziabad                                                                                         (MN Prasad) 

26.06.2019                                                                            Secretary General AILRSA 

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