Friday, September 1, 2017

The state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) are researching trains that can 'fly on the ground'
By Caroline McGuire, Digital Travel Editor  31st August 2017, 

CHINA has revealed its plans to one day build a flying train that could reach speeds of up to 2,500mph.

The state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) made the announcement this week, as they unveiled plans for an intercity train that will travel at the slower pace of 600mph.
3China has revealed plans to build a flying train that could reach speeds of up to 2,500mph

The scientists claim that their new train will rival the new Hyperloop system being built by the billionaire Elon Musk.

During an at an annual commercial aerospace summit, CASC deputy general manager Liu Shiquan said that they were researching trains of the future that would be able to “fly on the ground.”

According to the state-owned news website The Paper, the CASC’s previous experience building rockets, satellites and missiles has enabled them to start work on the project.

They are liaising with 20 other research institutes in China and abroad in order to build the new train.

China already has more high speed railways than any other country, and trains travelling from Beijing to Shaghai will be able to reach speeds of up to 220mph from next month.

The new trains are expected to be considerably more successful than the “Land Airbus” that was claimed to be in the testing stage in China last year.
3The new trains are expected to be considerably more successful than the “Land Airbus” that was claimed to be in the testing stage in China last year

The bus straddled two lanes at once and promised to put an end to China’s congestion problem, but investigators are now looking into whether the company behind the bus was just using the idea to raise money illegally.

Elon Musk’s Hyperloop train, which the Chinese are hoping to top, has been described as “a cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table”.

The hyperloop would enable passengers to travel in pods which levitate inside massive tubes.

The tubes are surrounded by a cushion of air which drastically reduces friction.

The friction-less pods are able to safely travel at immensely high speeds – similar to how a puck glides in a game of air hockey.
3Elon Musk’s Hyperloop train, which the Chinese are hoping to top, has been described as 'a cross between a Concorde, a railgun and an air hockey table'

Removing almost all friction from the technology means the Hyperloop could reportedly carry passengers at 760 mph – within 10mph of the speed of sound – with unmanned pods able to top 800 mph.

But in recent footage, Musk released a pod being tested showing the Hyperloop travel at 200mph.

This extraordinary top speed means the Hyperloop could ferry passengers between London and Edinburgh in less than 30 minutes, a journey that currently takes over four hours by train.

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