Thursday, August 31, 2017


Shri Bandaru Dattatreyaji,   Hon’ble Minister for Labour and Employment,

Government of India,New Delhi.

Respected Sir,

Ref:-1. Failure report on conciliation by Assistant Regional Labour Commissioner, New Delhi.

2. Dispute between All India Loco Running Staff Association Vs Railway Board.

3. ALC – HQTB / 8 / 193 / 15 dated: 30.12.2015

With due regards, the ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION, hereby bring the following facts to your kind notice. Even after repeated representation requesting to implement some of the recommendations of the High Power Committee (HPC), Minutes of Signal Passing at Danger (SPAD) & High Level Safety Review Committee (HLSRC) constituted by the Ministry of Railway, which are mean to safe operations of train, were not heeded by the Railway administration. Aggrieved by the inaction and apathy shown by the Railway Board, this association constrained to ‘sit in hunger fast’ for 36 hours on 14th and 15th December 2015. The Ministry of Labour intervened and Assistant Regional labour Commissioner, New Delhi, initiated a conciliation proceedings between this Union and the Railway Board, for arrive at amicable settlement of the dispute. The conciliation proceeding has failed on 6th June 2017 due to the adamant attitude of the Railway Board in not conceding the grievances of this Union. The demand of the workers which were the subject matter of the conciliation are given below for ready reference. 

1. Implement recommendation of HIGH POWER COMMITTEE ON DUTY HOURS OF RUNNING STAFF(INDIAN RAILWAY), particularly on the followings;

a. Restrict the consecutive night duty to two night.

b. Four weekly rests of 40hrs each in a month.

c. Provide co-pilot in Mail and Express trains instead of Assistant Loco Pilot.

d. Fix the total duty hours for a fortnight period to 90 hours for Loco Pilot, Mail and Express trains.

e. Period of spare traveling should be counted as duty for the purpose of determining maximum duty hours at a stretch (from Signing ON duty to Signing OFF duty)

f. In terms of Railway Board letter in the year 2010,the outstation stay should be restricted to 36 hours.

g. The recommendations to review the minimum punishment of removal from service for signal passing at danger(SPAD), by the Justice H.R. Khanna Committee (Safety Review Committee),1998 the HPC Committee, Minutes of the SPAD Committee of 12.06.12 and the recent Task force on safety dated 10th January 2017 to be honoured. 

2. Maximum duty of Mail/Express Loco Pilot should be reduce to 6hrs as per the decision of the Regional Labour Commissioner, Chennai, which is upheld the appellate authority, the Ministry of Labour.

It is painfully experienced and noticed that the railway is not seen serious in their submissionsbefore the conciliation to resolve the issues and tried to drag the issue. The conciliation proceedings draged to 16 months and in no point of time there was an inclination shown by the Railway Board to concede the demands, except two night consequent duty and conciliation declared fail. By the time your office must have received the failure report. All the grievances are mostly related with safe operation of trains and recommended by different committees constituted by Railway Board itself. 

Sir, the AILRSA believes in the laid down constitutional procedure of ID Act. It is painful and unfortunate to see apathy, authoritarian attitude and unhealthy view of railway management which may invariably damage the healthy labour relations and this Union have no other go than to take serious agitation path.

To save the railway and to minimize Rail accidents due to over fatigued running staff, I am on behalf of AILRSA, request your goodself please to intervene for resolving the issues at an earliest.

Your earliest suitable action is solicited.

                                                                                                            Yours faithfully

                                                                                                          M. N. PRASAD,                                                                                                                                        Secretary General

Sent through speed post on 29.08.2017

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