Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Running allowance rate may come to as follows,

Minimum of L6-           35400
Maximum                  112400
Mean Pay-                   73900
30% of Mean Pay-       22170
TA rate for L6-                750
Average Km_                5100

As per RAC 1980 formula

30% of mean pay+20 Days TA divided by 5100 km

= Rs: 729

This shall be the rate, if applied RAC formula

After 6th  CPC the NFIR and AIRF, who were the member of the joint committee, signed for doubled the rate, when TA was increased to three times, the Federations realized their mistake and joined with our demand to revise the rate according to RAC formula. But RIy Board not heeded the demand. Now the issue is before NIT

We hope that the NFIR and AIRF stick to the demand for RAC formula this time.

L Mony, Central President, AILRSA

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