Tuesday, March 8, 2016

NJCA meeting held at JCM (NC) staffside office on 07th March 2016, after detailed deliberations has decided to postpone the indefinite strike date of 11th April 2016 and strike notice serving date of 11th March 2016 to 11th July 2016 and 09th June 2016 respectively. The following are the reasons which necessitated the change in dates.

a) While summing up the discussion on Charter of demands held on 1st March 2016 by Empowered Committee of Secretaries (ECoS) with JCM National Council Standing Committee members, Cabinet Secretary has stated that reasonable time should be given to the Government for a fair consideration of all the demands raised in the Charter of demands, since the issues concern inter-departmental consultations.
b) After declaration of the Election schedule in five State Assemblies, the Election Code of Conduct has come into effect. Further there will be polling on 11th April 2016 (strike commencement date) in West Bengal and Assam.
c) As per Section 22 of Industrial Disputes Act 1947 with regard to the validity of strike notice is not more than six weeks from the date of serving the strike notice. Even if we give strike notice on 11th March 2016, for commencement of indefinite strike after the election dates (ie 20th May 2016), the six weeks period will be over by that time and we have to serve fresh strike notice again.

Considering all the above aspects, the meeting took the following decisions:-

1. The indefinite strike shall commence from 6am on 11th July 2016.
2. Strike notice would be served on 09th June 2016.
3. Massive demonstration shall be held in all workplace on 11th March 2016 in support of the charter of demands and strike decision.
4. The decision of the NJCA would be communicated to the Cabinet Secretary.
5. Detailed mobilization programmes would be given later on.

Copy of the NJCA Circular dated 07th March 2016 and letter addressed to Cabinet Secretary dated 07-03-2016 are enclosed herewith.

In view of the above decisions, the state C-O-C level joint meeting of office bearers / committee members of C-O-Cs and affiliated organizations of Confederation scheduled earlier will be rescheduled after NJCA mobilisation programme is finalised. Department-wise campaign and mobilisation on charter of demands (Common demands plus Department specific demands) shall continue.

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