Thursday, March 24, 2016

Dear comrades,

Whenever AILRSA calls for a struggle, AIRF/NFIR misguide running staff that JCM will only solve issues. But JCM decision dated 15.02.2016 for judicial review committee on HOER was hijacked by AIRF and NFIR. AIRF created world record by demanding 4 hours super-intensive classification when AILRSA won the 6 hours intensive classification case. In 2013 after HPC declared its recommendations, AIRF is mum on its super intensive demands and implementation of other demands. In 2016 at a safety seminar of AIRF in Mumbai, again they created a world record by demanding 54 hours PR for Loco and Traffic running staff! IRLRO states that they have cancelled the High Power Committee itself by litigation and Rajyasabha committee passed a resolution. We have seen the railway Board accepting 70 out of 89 HPC recommendations out of which the useful ones for loco running staff are in the rejected 19 ones!

See the attitude of AIRF and NFIR in railways. In 2004 when Parliamentary standing committee headed by Sri. Basudeb Acharia recommended 8 hours duty for loco running staff both AIRF and NFIR kept mum for helping the Railway Board to avoid implementing 8 hours duty!. In 2007 when railway board proposed 100% Rs 2400 grade pay for ALP’s, AIRF and NFIR demanded similar revisions for other categories at the cost of AILRSA struggle and reduced it to 80%.

When railway board conveyed to 7th CPC that ITI qualification is enough due to diagnostic reasons available in locos, both federations are mum.

When 7th CPC describes loco running staff and traffic running staff are doing same works in a running train (as if trains are running on their own) the AIRF and NFIR are mum.

While the pay scale and HOER matter referred to National Industrial Tribunal (NIT), the AIRF leader Sri. Umromal Purohith made a hue and cry against it. Unfortunately the judges of NIT are hand in glove with railway board for buying time abnormally.

What is the way out before us to get HPC report implemented pending NIT report?

Railway board in connivance with AIRF /NFIR approved HPC hijacking judicial committee. Now railway Board is not ready to implement its own recommendations. How long can loco running staff wait for justice?

Whenever loco running staff capable on its strength, they should decide to avail 40 hour PR and 3 continuous night duties in goods trains as a first step. Availing this in Passenger, Express trains will put travelling public into great inconvenience and we can’t afford to invite their protest towards us at the cost of railway board at this stage.

So dear comrades implement 40 hour PR and 3 night duties on your own and gather opinions from various corners in our favor and against railway board to implement HPC report.

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Anonymous said...

AILRSA SHOULD DECIDE. ..ON THE PR ISSUE WITH THE ABOVE railway implement it on ground. ...and advice cadre..ways to go about it...with necessary communication to railway administration

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