Monday, October 19, 2015

We decided in the CWC at NGP held on 30th and 31st Aug 2015 to stage an indefinite fast before the Railway Board in the month of December 2015 on demands of the implementation High Power Committee recommendations on duty hours, rest, night duty, periodical rest, with modification suggested by AILRSA along-with implementation of minutes of Railway Officers’ meeting on SPAD, review the measure of punishment on SPAD and implementation of High Level Safety Review Committee.

You are aware that the intensive classification of loco running staff declared by the RLC, Madurai and upheld by the Secretary, Ministry of Labour (Appellate Authority) has been challenged by the Railway in High court of Chennai and other issues like Grade Pay, Running allowance, Onerous duty allowance to all, etc pending before the National Industrial Tribunal, Mumbai. The PR of 46 hours as ordered by the RLC/SBC has been approved by the High court of Bangalore but still the Railway Board has not issued any order for implementation. A contempt petition was filed in High court. We are pursuing all these processes vigorously and we expect a favourable outcome too.

We are expecting the submission of 7th CPC before January 2016. Whether our submission before the 7th CPC has been conceded or not is to be known only after the publishing of 7th CPC report.

At this stage therefore we confined our demand, that the Ministry of Railway should accept / implement the recommendations of the HPC 2013, with due consideration of the modifications as suggested by us along-with some other vital demands. In order to press our demand the CWC decided to submit a petition to the Petition Committee, Lok Sabha and simultaneously hold a 36 hours fast before the Railway Board commencing on 14th December 2015, modifying the decision of indefinite fast.

It is our decision that the programme should be a massive one, with a participation of at least 3000 running staff and their families. To see that the target to be achieved, and for the successful program, every office bearer of Central, Zone, Division and Branch have to meet the workers and enlighten them the necessity for massive showdown before the Railway Board.

To reach the message with due consultation with other leading comrades, I, as the Secretary General, direct you to implement the following programme meticulously in your area and a detailed report on your efforts including expected participation in the Fast before the Rail Bhawan be submitted to the central committee by 30th November 2015.

1) The Programme and the demand be reached to every workers through the Whatsapp, Face book, etc liberally utilize the social media, to see that the message reaches to every worker not later than 1st November and repeat the process every 15 days till 14th December.

2) Main wall poster will be supplied by the Central Committee not later than 1st November. Flex boards/ banners should be installed in every crew lobby and in prominent places in your area immediately, matter should be confined to our demand on HPC minutes of Railway Officers’ meeting on SPAD and review the punishment measure on SPAD. Matter for leaflets will be supplied by Central and be printed by the concerned zonal committees.

3) A divisional demonstration in front of the DRM office be held on 2nd November 2015, with massive participation, small posters and leaflets should be prepared, printed and distributed by the Divisional committee. A memorandum also to be submitted to the Minister for Railways, through the DRM with an advance copy to MR by speed post. Matter for memorandum will be supplied by the Central Committee.

4) Demonstration / Gate meeting should be organized on 20th November 2015 in front of every crew lobby, to explain the demand and the program to the workers. Decorate the crew lobby with Flex banners, etc as you think appropriate.

5) Individual letter to Minister for Railways be sent between 20th November and 30th November. The matter to be printed in Inland letter. Matter will be supplied by the Central Committee.

6) In addition to these, the Central Committee will also send memorandum to PM, MR, Labour Minister and CRB by October 2015.

7) Central Committee memorandum to be submitted to the Local Member of Parliament irrespective of political affiliations by the respective divisions with a request letter to forward it to MR between 20th November and 30th Novenber.

8) On 8th, 9th and 10th December 2015 our Secretary General along with Com. K.A.S.Mani, Com.K.C.James, Com.P.N.Soman and M.P.Deo, Jit Singh Tank, R. R. Bhagat (selected comrades from other Railways to be nominated by the Secretary General) will go to NDLS to meet Hon’ble Speaker, Loksabha and various MPs.

9) In the meantime the Central Committee will submit the petition to the Petition Committee, Lok Sabha.

All are requested to actively pursue these programs and see that a massive participation in 14th December Fast at New Delhi.


Secretary General

Note: All rooms, hall in Ambedkar Bhawan / New Delhi is booked for 14th & 15th Dec 2015 one hall is booked for 13th Dec. also Break Fast, will also supplied at 8hrs on 14th Dec. rally will start at 9hrs on 14th Dec. from Ambedkar Bhawan. All should come with mental preparation to stay for two days i.e. 14th & 15th Dec. beds and Rajai will be available.

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