Thursday, May 7, 2015

AILRSA CEC on 03.05.2015 at Dr. BR Ambedkar Bhavan, Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi. Presided by Com. NB Dutta, Working President, Com. MNP submitted report and Com. Jit Singh Tank submitted accounts.

The CEC after deliberations passed the following resolutions.

The following resolutions are passed unanimously after a detailed deliberation held in the CEC meeting at New Delhi, Dr. Ambedkar Bhavan on 03rd May 2015.All Zonal Units are required to follow the contents of the resolutions scrupulously and give feed back to the Centre for its compliance.

1.   This meeting strongly protests against the complete attempt to privatize the Indian Railways in production, maintenance and even in operation which is against the interest of common public and safety. This meeting also urges the Government of India / Ministry of Railways to reject the Interim Report of Railway restructuring Committee headed by Shri. Bibek Debroy and ensure the Indian Railways remains as a Government entity serving the purpose and object for its creation and not to destroy it.

2.   This meeting urges the all the Zonal units to conduct Safety Convention at different levels(Branch/Division) to inculcate the safe habits among the Loco men and to report the management any short comings in the system / practices in the month of June 2015.

3.   Conduct Depot wise Demonstration on 23rd July 2015 uniformly all over the Indian Railways on the demands of implementation of various committees reports (HPC, SPAD, HLSRC), 6 hours duty hours as ordered by Ministry of Labour, delete “Remove from service” penalty for non consequential SPAD case, etc.

4.   This CEC meeting extends its support for the call for indefinite strike by the Railway men and all other Central Government Employees in the month of November 2015. Our 10 member committee constituted in Secunderabad CEC meeting will decide the mode and manner of our Organizational participation in the above strike.

5.   All the Zones are directed to start their Membership campaign in a massive way and submit the membership statement with Central quota on or before the month of November 2015

6.   Zones those who have not paid the NIT levy of Rupees 7000/- per year from 2012 to be paid to the Central committee as earlier as possible so as to the meet out the expenses.


About 800 members of ALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATION representing Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots of Indian Railways conducted MASS RALLY  from Ambedkar Bhavan to Jantar Mantar and DHARNA at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi from 10.00 hours of 04-05-2015.

As everybody knows, recently, a series of train accidents have happened. But Railway mainly projects Human Error as one of the main reason. For example a Signal passing at danger (SPAD) is one of the major causes of human error on the part of Loco Pilots. For this, the Loco Pilots are awarded with penalty of removal from service even in the case of no loss. So far, the Committees formed like Justice H.R.KHANNA Committee, High Power Committee on duty / rest hours, High Level Safety Review Committee, Ministry of Labour-Recommendation and Railway Board Directives to avoid SPAD etc., are yet to be implemented. On these recommendations, this Association demands for deletion of non-consequential SPAD from the list of minimum penalties, Six Hours Duty, Continuous Night Duties not exceeding to Two, Weekly Rest, Minimum 16 Hours Rest at Head Quarters, Minimum 8 hours Rest at Out Stations, Uniform Cab Design with Toilet facility, User Friendly Cab with Cab signaling and not to privatize Loco Training Centers for the Loco Pilots at AVADI/SR, ASENSOL/ER, MUGALSARAI/ECR, KURLA/CR, KANPUR/NCR, and VISAKAPATNAM/ECOR. It is also urged to the Government of India / Ministry of Railways to reject the Interim Report of Railway restructuring Committee headed by Shri. Bibek Debroy and 100% FDI in Railways in the interest of common public.

Dharna inaugurated by Com Basudeb Acharia, Vice President CITU and Addressed by Com. MN Prasad, Com. NB Dutta, Com CK Sarkar, Com K Ravichjandran etc.

On 05.05.15 Com MN Prasad, Com Jit Singh Tank, and Com Ram Sharan went to Railway Minister office to meet him and submit memorandum. Unfortunately Minister was engaged in another important function and advised to submit the memorandum to his PA.

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