Saturday, April 25, 2015

BIBEK DEBROY Committee report: final report by Aug 2015
New Delhi: The Committee headed by Dr. Bibek Debroy on Mobilisation of Resources for Major Railways Projects and Restructuring of Railway Ministry and Railway Board has submitted its Interim Report in March 2015 containing, inter alia, recommendations o improving the functioning and performance of Railways.

The Interim Report of Dr. Bibek Debroy Committee includes recommendations on separation of Policy-making , Regulation *& Operations setting up of a Railway Regulatory Authority of India (RRAI), unbundling of Indian Railways into two independent organizations one responsible for Track & Infrastructure and the other for operating trains, private participation in running freight/passenger trains and in various railway infrastructure services and non-core activities like production & construction, merger of Railway budget with the General Budget in a phased manner, bringing existing Production Units under a Government SPC under Ministry of Railways. Reorganization of the various organized Services and on decentralization & delegation of powers. The Interim Report is at the stage of feedback/comments of stakeholders before submission of the final report in August 2015.
The Committee headed by Dr.E.Sreedharan has submitted its final report on 11.3.15 for delegation of tendering and commercial powers to General Managers and other operating levels. The Final Repot of Committee of Dr. E. Sreedharan has been submitted on 11.03.15 which has recommendation for total delegation of powers to General Managers and operating level for calling tenders and finalization of all types of contracts with checks and balances. A Sub-Committee has been set up to evaluate the recommendations and suggesting a framework for implementation sequence duly taking into account the practical aspects.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today.

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