Sreedharan panel report raises concerns over impact of ‘vigilance activism’
New Delhi, January 14:
Calling for wider delegation of
powers to general managers (GMs) and even to officials below that level,
an interim report of a committee headed by E Sreedharan said the
Railway Board does not trust the business instincts and capabilities of
its GMs.
Recently, the Board issued a notification
allowing GMs to take decisions on tenders up to ₹500 crore. But it has
not allowed them to further delegate power, nor has it stated that the
current circular supersedes the earlier ones on the issue, Railway
officials told Business Line. The Sreedharan report also notes
that it will take about three months to change all the rules and
regulations for devolution of powers.
“The present
system in vogue drastically curtails the powers of GMs to discharge
their duties efficiently and effectively. There exists a 21-page-long
list of areas where GMs are debarred and not authorised to take any
decision, or where they cannot sanction any expenditure or cannot deal
with certain subject areas,” the committee has said in its report.
Further delegation
the report points out that the system of delegation of powers below GMs
is ad-hoc, opaque, complicated and varies from zone to zone.
closer look and analysis of powers delegated to GMs establishes that it
is negative, prescriptive and restrictive. The way powers are arranged
today, the Railway Board does not trust business instincts and
capability of its general managers, the highest authority in the field,”
it said.
In the Railways, the present regime of
taking commercial decisions and floating and finalisation of tenders and
all types of contracts is overly centralised, time consuming, opaque
and is in crying need of reforms, the report added.
the one-man committee has submitted its interim recommendations, it is
still meeting Railway officials for working out a final report. There
are many practical issues that GMs face, say officials. For instance,
they cannot route funds to a project nearing completion without taking
the board’s approval.
Playing it safe
calling for devolution of powers, the Sreedharan report also pointed out
that a few GMs had expressed concern over the present environment
prevailing in the Railways due to ‘vigilance activism’.
small acts of slips and genuine errors are treated as acts of
corruption and vigilance cases registered against officers. This
prevents honest officers from taking prompt and bold decisions,” the
report noted.
“Many senior officers, who are due for
promotion, especially to levels of general managers or members of the
board, avoid signing papers or taking decisions just to be safe. This
leads to a sort of paralysis at the management level, which causes
avoidable delays and, eventually, damage to the system,” it added.
(This article was published on January 14, 2015)
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