Saturday, November 22, 2014

New Delhi, dated : 13.11.2014
Ministry of Railways decided to constitute one man committee headed by Sri E.Sridharan, former Managing Director, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation to suggest a proper system and procedure to ensure proper accountability and transparency at the General Managers and other functionaries’ level for taking all commercial decisions, including that of tendering.

2. Terms of reference of the committee would be as under:
i) The committee would suggest a proper system and procedure to ensure proper accountability and transparency at the General Managers and other functionaries’ level for taking all commercial decisions, including that of tendering and therefore, all the powers will be delegated to the operating levels so that proper efficiency in decision making is ensured. No tendering will be dealt with at Ministers level.
ii) The committee would suggest the system and procedure and a manual of instruction to be followed to implement the decisions as above. The Management Information System(MIS) to be used for proper and time bound disposal of the cases.
iii) The committee could, inter alia recommend a professional organisation, if necessary to provide an end to end solution to this process.
iv) The committee could co opt any other person if necessary.
2. The committee would submit an interim report within two weeks and a final report in a period not exceeding 3 months from date of constitution of committee.
3. Civil Engineering Directorate will be the nodal directorate to coordinate with the committee and its recommendations
4. Terms and conditions  of the committee will follow
N Soman
Joint Secretary(Gaz)
Railway Board.

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