Monday, August 25, 2014

PERSONAL HEARING BEFORE 7TH CPC at Bangalore on 24.08.14

AILRSA Delegation comprising Com. A Jayachandran, Com. D Raj Kumar, Com. P Nagaiah, Com. K Parthasarathy, Com. R Murali, Com DS Niranjan and Com. C Sunish met The Chairman and other members of the Seventh Central pay commission( Justice Sri. Ashok Kumar Mathur, Sri Vevek Rae, Dr.Rathin Roy, and Smt . Meena Agarwal) at Kumarakripa Guest house, Bangalore on 24.08.14.
Discussed in length all the terms of reference and highlighted our stand on the conditions of work and that it should reflect in the pay and allowance. Reiterated the need for separate grade pay on the basics of functional difference. highlighted the case of depreciation of pay in successive pay commissions and stressed for giving 4200 grade pay for ALP. AILRSA insisted the need of arriving a formula by CPC regarding mileage since mileage is a part of Pay, pay commission told they will consider it. We also insisted the need of upgrading the entry qualification of ALP from ITI to diploma. We requested the Honorary Chairman to travel in footplate of some of diesel hauled trains to evaluate the difficulties of our job. He accepted it.

 AILRSA has submitted a detailed memorandum before pay commission centrally; Which is already printed and circulated and available in we have submitted a brief submission containing some of the local issues. For full text visit our blog:

“Over Indian Railway system, Loco Running Staff are working in different terrain with unique system of working with unfavourable climatic conditions. In South Western Railway loco Running Staff working in ghat section Castle Rock – Kulem (Hubli Division) in steepest gradient of 1 in 37 and Sakhleshpur – Subramanya Road (Mysore Division) in steeper gradient of 1 in 50 have to manoeuvre the train with five locomotives in synchronization with high degree of skill and enginemanship. They have to put to work in the severest rainfall region around 6000mm average for four to five months span in a year. This position of nature of work shall be adequately taken care of  by this Commission while allotting pay scales.”

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ravi kumar karri said...

we thank and salute your efforts for trying to upgrade ruuning staff

ravi kumar karri said...

thanks and we salute your efforts for bringing the demands of running brothers in front of the sventh pay commission

ravi kumar karri said...

thanks and we salute your efforts for bringing the demands of running brothers in front of the sventh pay commission

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