Wednesday, August 7, 2013

National Convention of Workers: Review of Post Strike situation, Settlement of 10 Point Charter Demand and Further Programme

Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Mavlankar Hall, New Delhi: 6th August 2013
The National Convention of Workers being held at Mavalankar Hall, New Delhi expresses serious concern and anguish over continuing indifference and inaction by the Govt. of India towards vital livelihood related demands presented before the Govt. by the all in united platform of trade unions and pursued through numerous agitations/programmes including strikes during last three years.

The Convention once again congratulates the workers for the unprecedented historic success of the two-day strike of 20-21 February'13. These strikes and struggles during last three years have strengthened and widened the unity of the Indian working class. The Convention also conveys its extreme anger and anxiety at the utter lack of concern demonstrated by the Government towards the crores of workers and the mass of the people.

In the wake of the resounding success of the two-day strike, the Prime Minister constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) to discuss and settle the Ten- Point Charter of Demands (COD) jointly formulated by all the Central Trade Unions in the country. The first meeting between CTUOs and the GoM was held on 22nd May 2013. The CTUOs had demanded to the GoM concrete response to the following burning issues on which the workers conducted strike struggle:(1) Minimum Wage not less than of Rs10,000, (2) Universal Social Security Cover for all workers,(3) Assured Pension for the entire working population,(4) same wage and benefits for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work, (5) strict implementation of Labour Laws, (6) Concrete measures to contain price rise, (7) Concrete measures for employment generation, (8) stoppage of disinvestment in Central and State PSUs / Undertakings, (9) Remove all ceilings on payment and eligibility of Bonus, Provident Fund; Increase the quantum of gratuity and (10) Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period of 45 days and immediate ratification of the ILO Convention Nos. 87 and 98. Despite categorical announcement by the Prime Minister in the 451h Indian Labour Conference about the justness of the demands and that many of them are under advanced stage of consideration, the GoM, instead of making any concrete response told the CTUOs that the Government need more time to study the CoD and thus the meeting ended without any concrete result.

Conveying their concern on the most unfortunate outcome of the meeting the CTUOs in their joint letter to the Prime Minister on 23rd May 2013, noted, "the meeting remained disappointing as nothing concrete has emerged in the response of the Government on the 10 point demands raised by the Central Trade Unions." The CTUOs had urged upon the Prime Minister to ensure that the long pending demands are sorted out through dialogue between the Government and the CTUOs within one month.

The National Convention of Workers expresses anguish over the indifference of the Govt towards the long pending burning issues concerning livelihood of the working people in the country who keep thenational economy running and create wealth for the economy, revenues for the public exchequer and also profit for the employers while bearing the unbearable burden of all round exploitation through denial of their basic and minimum rights. The soaring price rise, increasing joblessness, opening up almost all sectors to FDI and further disinvestment of PSUs to cover budget deficit has pushed to country to economic crisis. The Convention calls upon the working people to raise their voice against such indifference and injustice and prepare for intensifying the countrywide united struggle in the days to come.

Accordingly, in the present phase, the following joint programme of agitation is unanimously adopted in the Convention:
1) Demonstration/Rallies/Satyagraha at all State Capitals with respective statewide mobilization on 25th September 2013 
2) Massive Demonstration before Parliament with main mobilization from neighbouring states on 12th December, 2013
3) On the same day of Demonstration before Parliament (12th December 2013); District-level Demonstrations at all District Headquarters all over the country.
4) Sectoral programme of joint actions for effectively opposing Restructuring, Outsourcing etc and on sector-specific issues/demands and against Divestment of Shares in Public Sector Enterprises
5) Exclusive joint Action Programmes on the demand of Minimum Wage and Contract Workers related other demands

The Convention appeals to the entire working class of the country to demonstrate the power of all-in-unity of the trade union movement and take part in the programmes at the respective levels thundering the message unity of workers and their strong determination at each and every workplace throughout the country.
Independent Workers / Employees Federation 

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