Our railway network is a huge dustbin
The Railways Minister’s green rhetoric misses out on this.
Unless the litter that stretches for miles on either side of any
railway station is disposed of properly, the Railways cannot be
considered green.
In Railway Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal’s Budget speech on February 26,
the part on Green Energy Initiatives states: “The Indian Railways remain
firmly committed to protecting the environment and promoting
sustainable development and use of energy-efficient technologies.”
Among the initiatives: the creation of a Railway Energy Management
Company to harness solar and wind energy, energising 1,000 level
crossings with solar power, use of “agro-based and recycled paper and
banning the use of plastic in catering.”
Cleanliness, hygiene
With its geographic reach, the Railways can create among the world’s
largest distributed power generation infrastructure, supplementing their
own energy needs while catalysing the use of renewables across the
Such an initiative might prove exemplary. The Minister also deserves
praise for addressing other issues that cause passenger frustration —
slow online reservations, food service, and cleanliness.
He notes, “The widespread disappointment of the travelling public with
the state of cleanliness and hygiene at stations and trains, bedrolls
and catering has often been highlighted … As a frequent rail traveller, I
have experienced this personally. Resource constraints cannot be a
reason for sub-standard services…” He proposes the “extension of On
Board Housekeeping Scheme (OBHS) and Clean Train Stations (CTS) to more
stations and trains.”
And yet, the most visible and overwhelming travel experience is
unaddressed altogether, namely, the presence of litter — paper cups,
plastic bottles, snack food packets, and paper — on either side of the
tracks, especially near any railway station.
Greening the rail network is the Railways’ responsibility as much as
that of the passengers. Yet the Railways don’t help. Let me illustrate
with recent experiences:
a) I bought a water bottle from a vendor on a train, and handed him an
empty bottle. He was puzzled. I asked him to take it with him to dispose
of in the proper manner. He returned the bottle to me, pointed to the
window, and said: “Throw it out the window.” I refused. Since there was
no sign anywhere in the coach prohibiting anyone from throwing out
waste, my argument was meaningless. After watching this exchange, my
neighbour took the bottle, crushed it, and put it in the seat pocket.
b) I walked to the pantry car and ate a vada served on a paper
plate with a napkin, and not on old newspaper. I was impressed — it was
hot, fresh, and excellent. When I asked the cashier where to throw the
used plate, he indicated the window. “Trash bin?” He pointed to one 15
feet away.
c) I washed down the snack with some coffee, and walked through the
coach looking for a trash bin to put the paper cup in. Finding none, I
waited until the next station, and stepped out to look for one on the
platform. None was in sight. I brought back the cup and left it near the
sink in the compartment.
Systems, not jugaad
In some coaches, there is a trash bin under the sink, disproportionately
small for the size of the coach and its occupants, and no sign
indicates it exists. It is full within hours of the start of any
journey. On airplanes, in contrast, the cabin crew comes through, clears
up cups, trays and newspapers, and sets the place right.
Among the numerous instructions written on coach walls (in sometimes
amusing and antiquated English), none say, “Do not throw litter out the
Doordarshan advertisements encourage prospective brides not to marry
into homes without proper toilets, yet none urge people not to treat
windows as trash outlets. TV screens on platforms carry entertainment
programmes, but no anti-litter messages.
‘Incredible India’ posters adorn railway facilities, but there is no
beauty in the images when iconic monuments are surrounded by litter.
Systems and tools are needed — well designed, robust, and long-lasting — to address litter management and not quick-fix or jugaad solutions.
Put Rahul to work
Unless the litter that stretches for miles on either side of any railway
station is systematically picked up, several times a day, year after
year, and disposed of properly, the Railways cannot be green or
customer-centric. The Railways’ energy management is only the start;
cleaning up is greening too.
Waste in India has reached crisis proportions. The conditions near the
railway tracks are only one instance. We know organic waste can be
converted to energy, and paper and plastic waste can be recycled.
Notwithstanding their excellent initiatives, the Railways need a lot
more help. Who should provide this?
My view: We need a Cabinet Ministry of Litter and Garbage with
inter-ministerial scope, funded by a tax — maybe one rupee for each
snack food package and water bottle.
In the tradition of the original Gandhi, whose cleaning of latrines and
the symbolic and substantive value associated with it we all know about
and admire, Rahul Gandhi may lead it.
I don’t propose this lightly — the issue deserves sustained national spotlight.
(The author is a visiting professor of strategy at IIM Kozhikode.)
(This article was published on March 21, 2013)
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