Proceeding of 19th BGM is held
at Bengaluru on 16th & 17th May 2012
19th BGM has started with flag hosting by our President Com. L. Mony
at 10:30hrs on 16th May 2012 and after garlanding to Shahid Bedi
(Martyrs Column) delegates took seats in the conference hall where one minute
silence was observed in respect to departed soul.
presidium consisting of Com. L. Mony, Com. N. Sarkar and Com. T. Hanumaiah was
proposed by Com. Secretary General to preside over the opened session as well
as delegate session and accepted by the House. The delegates were welcomed by
Com. V. J. K. Nair, Vice president CITU, Chairman Reception Committee and then
the BGM was inaugurated by Com. Basudeb Acharia, Hon’ble M. P. (Lok-Shabha).
Secretary General proposed a subject Committee consisting of General
Secretaries with Com. N. B. Dutta as Convener to formulate the resolution and
new team of Central body since no nomination has been received for any post.
following invitees, guests and Leaders of different Trade Unions / Association,
were then addressed the delegates in opened session.
1. Com. Nirmal Mukherjee – CLW Labour Union
2. Com. B. P. Choudhury – All India Commercial Clerk Association
3. Com. Amanullah Khan – President, All India Insurance Employees
Union, Karnataka State.
4. Com. John Vincent Kumar – Secretary General / All India Station
Master Association
5. Com. R. N. Dixit – General Secretary / All India Guard
6. Com. R. Elangovan – WorkingPresident / DERU
7. Com. P. S. Prasad – General
Secretary, Central Government
Employees Co-
ordination Committee /
Karnataka State
8. Com.M S. Venkatesh Murthy – General Secretary, NERU /
9. Com. Dr. Mathew Abraham – Lokraj Shangathan
10. Com. M. R. Shenoi – Bank
Employees Federation of India
/ Karnataka
11. Com. S. Prasanna Kumar – State General Secretary / CITU / Karnataka
12. Com. Anima Dhar – Wife
of Late Com. S. K. Dhar,
India Democratic Women Association
/ Purulia District (West
the speakers’ enlighten to-day is political and economical condition of the
Country and its adverse effect on working class, farmers, youths and on common
people while greeting the conference and whishing it success they also stress
the need of unity of working class, Democratic people, Kishan Youth and prepare
to struggle.
letter of General Secretary / AIRF was then read. Before open session was
concluded at 14:30 hrs, Secretary General’s report and Account was placed for
discussion. Mass rally was organized and started at 16:00hrs. from Bengaluru
City Station, which was very much impressive. More than thousand Loco Running
Staff, and some family members have also participated in Rally with banner and
flag of AILRSA in all most all in all hands which become very much attractive
and impressive. At the end of rally a musical team of Bengaluru who travelled
all through way of our rally and performed a very good show in the conference
hall too.
delegate session started at 18:30hrs and the Secretary General report and
Accounts was taken up for discussion which adjourned at 20:00hrs for 17.05.2012
at the end of delegates session, an IPTA team of Dongargarh (DGG) of SEC
Railway performed a very good show which impressed the delegates very much. The
scheduled Program of 16.05.2012 thus completed.
17.05.2012 at 10:oohrs delegates session resumed and continued up to 15:30hrs
total 39 delegates have spoken on the Secretary’s report and Account. Some of
the desirous delegates could not be given opportunity to speak for want of time
and session adjourned for meal to 16:30hrs.
16:45hrs session resumed Secretary General and treasure gave reply of
discussion and both the reports passed unanimously except the portion of the
report through which Secretary General requested for relief from the
responsibility of Secretary General.
N. B. Dutta placed the following resolutions which have been adopted
On Homage to Martyrs
19th BGM of All India Loco Running Staff Association held on 16th
and 17th May 2012 at Bangalore, pay homage to the brave
personalities those sacrificed their lives in the struggles for the rights of
the working class and upliftment of the toiling masses.
2. Condolence
19th BGM of AILRSA express deepest condolence on the demise of Com.
Joyti Basu, Ex.Chief Minister of West Bengal who occupied the chair for a
record period of 23 years. Com.M.K.Pandhe, tallest leader of Indian Trade Union
Movement and the master mind behind an unbelievable unity of all of the
National Central Trade Unions including INTUC,BMS, Shri.Devanand, evergreen
Cini actor, Shri M.F.Hussain, renowned artist, etc.
Association lost Com.M.Arumai, one of the founder member of Firemen Council at
Bangalore, Com.M.C.Saha and Com.A.T.Shom of S.E.Railway, Com.A.MuniReddy and
C.H.Narashima of S.C.Railway and Com.B.C.Bardoli of N.F.Railway. In addition to
that Com.Anurag Kesari, ALP of Mysore division died while coupling a parted
train, Com.K.Aadinarayana Rao, LP and Com.K.Swarna Raju, ALP of Vijayawada died
in Kalahasti LC accident, Com.S.Suresh Kumar, LP(P) died in LC accident at
Bangalore, the LP and ALP of Uttar Banga express who died in Saithia Accident
and LP of Om Prakash of Muradabad Division in N. Railway who died on duty for
want of necessary Medical aid although some highly officials were foot plating.
We pay homage to hundreds of innocent people died in various Railway accidents,
natural calamities and communal or terrorist attacks. We bow our heads in
respect to those departed souls.
of Air Pilots’ Strike
19th BGM of AILRSA protest against undemocratic and vindictive
actions unleashed to suppress the Air Pilots’ strike. The root cause of the
agitation is the hurried merger of the Air India and Indian Airlines, without
sorting out the problems arise out of it. It is a disheartening fact that
serious grievances of the most vital category who handles the lives of VVIPs
from Inland and abroad are not sorted out even after lapsing years together
after the merger and the Pilot’s Guild was repeatedly raising the issues.
a provocative manner the Airlines management resorted to implement 787 dream
liner training programme to aggravate the grievances. The management did not
even follow the direction from the High Court of Delhi to start negotiation
with striking workers, but resorted to mass dismissal and locking the union
office in the most undemocratic way.
We wish to state that the
Pilots were following the direction of the Civil Aviation Minister Shri. Ajit
Singh that “work first, fly fast and then talk” for the last many years. On the
contrary the Honorable Minister only failed in his part of talks and settling
the grievances.
The meeting urges the Government of India
to roll back the penal actions and sort out the issues through negotiations
On Liberalisation
last two decades, the picture has become very clear that our Country is divided
into two classes. One class is enjoying unlimited luxuries and comforts, and
the other is so much exploited & deprived that they find no way to avoid
starvation. One percent of the total population is at this shining side and 99%
at the dark side. And most unfortunate that this 1% is enjoying the entire
comfort of the Country by taking the Government and its many of the minister
and officials whose name are surfaced in various cases of corruption into the
confidence. At present the total
revenue deficit is Rs.5,21,980 Crore and the
other hand tax relief granted to big houses & the corporate groups is
Rs.5,29,432 Crore only. If this legal tax relief would have not been given then
Government could have gained surplus revenue with no deficit budget. Many more
problems of the nation could be solved and a vast section of people and hungry people
could get food, unemployed boys and girls could get job, sky rocketing market
price could be controlled to some extent. But actually the Government has lost
that spirit. Government is appeared not for the people, but for protecting the
corporate, industrialists, imperialists. The Central Government to-day appears
very weak and surrender before black money, deep rooted corruption and also
hiking price of essential commodities, India by surrendering its sovernity
trying to become the 2nd partner of America by spreading the Neo-
Liberalization policy in India.
house of this 19th Conference condemn this move and strongly
protests the neo-liberlization policy and urge upon the Government to review
the policy and its effect on common people and sovernity of India.
To save Railway
Once upon a time, the Railway industry was like Gold mine.
Railways independently after managing all its developmental works and welfare
programmes diverting huge surplus revenue to general fund. Its job potentiality
was so high that it was giving 60,000 new employments every year. Railways
moral was also so high that the Minister for Railways were submitting
resignation from his post on the reason of moral responsibility. But now the
Minister flatly refused the order of Prime Minister even to visit the accident
site for rescue and relief for victims. Nearly 2 lakhs of posts willfully kept
vacant, profit ratio within short period reduced from 1.76 to 1.96.
Prasadji left Rs.90,000 crores in general fund Rs 1,63,000 Crores was said to
be in reserve fund and 17,000 crores to safety fund. No developmental or any
expansion or welfare works undertaken as Miss. Mamata Banerji committed in her
two subsequent Railway Budget. At the other hand the readily available Railway
fund said to be exhausted and even to pay the wage of workers and to maintain
the infrastructure Railway knocking the door of Finance Ministry. This
condition of Railway is the result of using the Railway for narrow political
interest deep rooted corruption and also for financial mismanagement, although
the Railway workers increased the productivity despite of shortage of Railway
workers. CAG also notes the excess in higher officials post exist in the
Railway proportionate to their work wasting huge money to their salary.
Railways were once proud, but now due to malfunctioning with certain political
motivation, Rail industry has turned into a Polio patient and begging Rs.20,000
crores from Finance Minister, planning for selling Railway Bonds of Rs.10,000
crores, proposing to sell the Railway
Lands for earning money and also back door enhancement of freight charges etc.
and now planning to deduct 5% salary from all
the Railway employees which is the latest example of
malpractice to build up funds. Hence, this 19th
conference of AILRSA resolves to requests the Ministry of Railways to stop
financial mismanagement, use the Railway for narrow political interest, over
ride the corruption and refrain from such move to cut the pay and allowances of
workers to preserve industrial peace and calls upon the comrades as well as the
other Unions / Associations to prepare them self to struggle if the proposal of
reducing the wage and allowance comes in reality. This conference also urges
upon the worker to Co-operate in maintaining the productive, safety and
punctuality in the Railway thus save Railway.
On our principle demands
The delegates attending this 19th
BGM of AILRSA expresses its serious resentment over the dilatory and negative
attitude of the Railway Administration during the last four years in resolving
the genuine grievances of Loco Running Staff related to their GP, rate of
Kilometer allowance, Additional allowance for arduous duty to all of Loco
Running Staff and review of HOER. The AILRSA considering the acute financial
position of Railways, co-operates fully for smooth functioning of the Railways
with a hope to get a reciprocal response from the Railway Administration, but
the Railways’ response was negative rather provocative and discriminatory.
However, the Ministry of Labour intervened into the situation and conciliation
started by RLC (Central) New Delhi. In that too the negative and
non-co-operative attitude of Railway Administration had been experienced and this
resulted in the failure of conciliation. Lastly, the dispute has been referred
to NIT for Adjudication. Here in also a non-co-operative behavior was
experienced. The Railway Administration requested NIT, through a fax message,
not to proceed but keep the proceeding in abeyance. Hon’ble Tribunal while
ignoring this request started the proceeding of Tribunal, but it only reflects
a conspiracy of Railway Administration to stall the proceeding.
This conference expresses its deep
concern over such non co-operative attitude of Railway Administration which is
not conducive for the health of the Railways and urges upon the Railway
Administration to be responsive to the grievances of Loco Running Staff in the
interest of maintaining the Industrial peace in the Railways as well as in the
interest of safe operation and to maintain the productivity.
On unfair Labour practice
The Ministry of Labour is the wing of Government of India
entrusted to monitor, enforce labour rules and to mediate in labour disputes.
The attitude of Railway officials to the constitutional forum under the Labour
Ministry as well as Judiciary is condemnable.
Central Labour Tribunal, Chennai bench had awarded inflated DA to Running Staff
duly allowing 30% pay element to DP in the case no. 1/2008 on 31.07.2009 but
till date, Railways did not implement the award of the CLT/Chennai.
Labour Commissioner (Central), Bangalore and lately Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka Dharward Bench had ordered to
grant 30 hours PR in addition to the due trip rest of 16 hours but the Railway
Administration is dragging the case before different
forums with a negative motive. Every where the right of the worker is
established, but not even in a single case,
Railway Administration seen, accepting the decisions of the Labour forums.
Labour Commissioner (Central), Chennai had requested for permission to travel by Locomotive to conduct job analysis.
Permission is denied arbitrarily. Moreover the direction of Regional Labour
Commissioner on 26.12.2011 to reclassify the Loco Pilots as Intensive category
with effect from 11.12.2009 is not honored yet.
Honorable CAT/ERS had issued a historical decision on interpretation of the
rule 8 of MACP and directed the Railways to grant MACP to all those who had
completed 10 years in the present Grade Pay. Honorable CAT has also asked the
Railway Administration to grant it to all and not to cause any employee to
approach the court on similar issues. The Railway Administration is neglecting
the order and not yet taken any action to abide to the court of law.
So the meeting strongly demands the
Railway Administration to honor the constitutional bodies like Ministry of
Labour and Judiciary and uphold the democratic values and implement all
decisions from Judiciary labour Ministry or Labour Court or LEO or LC at
different places on different issues.
On Railway Safety
accident that happen in Railways cause a public debate on the deteriorating
safety standards of Indian Railways. “Milk the cow dry” policy of Shri Laluji
has worsened the situation which further worsened due to the use of Railways
for narrow political interest. In this score this BGM demands
priority to human resources development programmes and also renewal of assets
as the majority of the accidents are caused for human failure and also the
failure of system. Ensure full rest at Head Quarter and out station, avoid
consequent duty for more than two night, stop unnecessary bureaucratic pressure
on workers, unnecessary stress on mind of LP / ALP.
instigating staff to violate safety rules and to go for short cut methods on
the threat of disciplinary action.
iii. Accept the recommendations of safety review committee headed by
H. R. Khanna that non consequential SPAD cases should not
be treated as an accident. Committee further recommended that instead of
finding a scape goat reason of revealing the actual cause of such incidents to be
find out and remedial actions should be taken.
Ensure uniformity in combination of
signals and bring it as part of G & SR, instead of Signal &
Telecommunication manual.
Fill up the 17,000 and odd
vacancies in Loco Running cadre and realize an over working and leave denial of
Loco Pilot / ALPs is a potential danger to Railway Safety.
Stop running of all of the trains
including the pilot – trains, short distant trains without Brake van, Guard or
both on the pretext of emergency.
Implement the recommendations of
High level Safety Review Committee that resuming from leave and sick be at
8 O’clock in the morning and to provide cab signaling system.
Stop serving call to work next trains
before completion of their due rest hours at
head quarters as well as outstation.
ix. Running Staff should be
given call only after completion of minimum 16hrs clear trip rest at Head Quarter and 8hrs clear rest
at out station irrespective of duty
hours. Crew should not be disturbed by giving call within that rest period.
The cabs of all the Locos, Rest Room, and Running Rooms must be provided
with AC without any further delay as
assured on various occasions.
xi. At
least a stop of 5’ (Minutes) be given after each 2 to 2 ½ hrs run in long run trains like Duranto, Rajdhani
train to meet the natural necessities.
of Labour had introduced a scheme of Safety Related Voluntary Retirement for
Loco Pilots and Gangman as a relief measure to those suffering from ill-health
due to their hard work. In this year Liberalized Active Retirement Scheme for
Guaranteed Employment for Safety Staff [LARSGESS] was introduced relaxing the
qualifying service from 33 years to 20 years for Gangman and also extending the
scheme to other departments like C&W and Traffic. But no change is brought
in the case of Loco Pilots and 33 years of service and age limit of 51 – 57 retained
as it is. As a result the scheme remains impractical in the case of Loco Pilot.
It is worth mentioning that from 2005 – 2011, only 70 such retirements are
allowed for Loco Pilots all over Indian Railway .i.e. Every Railway Zone could
not allow not even a single retirement every year which proves the futility
this meeting demands to extend Liberalized scheme in terms of qualifying service to 20 years as done in the
case of Gangman .We also demand to appoint the ward according to his educational
qualifications and not restrict to the post of ALP.
On Notional Increment to 1981 Victimized Staff
This 19th BGM of AILRSA wants to draw the
attention of Railway Board that in the 1981 January strike of the Loco men
there were 882 workers dismissed throughout the Indian Railway.
all them came back in service / retired by the Judgment of R. Reddappa and
others of the Supreme Court of India. In the Judgment para III, there was a
direction that the dismissal period should be given NOTIONAL CONTINUITY of
service. But the Administration did not implement the direction of Notional
Continuity in true spirit at all the places. Except at some places the victims
were granted increments for the dismissal period and the concerned staffs got
the benefit but in Delhi, FZR, Jodhpur Division in N. Railway, N. E. Railway /
SE Railway Loco Running Staff are refused the benefit of increment in retiring benefit consequent of this, the sufferers are
being demoralized gone through the litigation even up to the level of the
Supreme Court, but despite of clarification of Jodhpur Hon’ble High Court,
Principal bench CAT / New Delhi and even endorsement of Hon’ble S.C the benefit
of increment for removal period is not given for retiring period in S. E. Railway,
N. Railway and N. E. Railway and workers harassed and discriminated.
19th Conference demands the Railway Administration to grant the
annual increment according to the Judgment of the Supreme Court of India in
case of R.Reddappa and others which are further clarified, ordered by Hon’ble
High Court, Jodhpur, Principal bench / Hon’ble CAT / New Delhi and also
endorsement of Hon’ble Apex Court through rejection of SLP filed by the Railway
Administration against the order of Hon’ble High Court Jodhpur without any
further delay.
On the demand of Central Pay revision once in 5 years
It is a universally accepted policy
to revise the pay of all sectors once in 5 years. All the State Government
employees, PSU employees, BSNL employees, Bank and LIC employees are having pay
revision once in 5 years. Because of explosion of technical advancements the
working conditions suffers drastic changes. So the demand of Confederation of
Central Government employees and workers for revision of pay once in 5 years is
fully justified and we support it.
On pay protection of medically de categorized Running Staff
of pay of Loco Running staff is considered to be paid through Running
Allowance. So whenever a pay revision takes place, the equivalent non running
pay scales is also advised with weight-age of 30% of Pay element. But this time
instead of issuing a general order, different orders for different purposes are
issued like eligibility for departmental competitive examination, pass rules,
fixation medically de categorized staff etc. In the former two orders the
principle of adding 30% weightage is done correctly but last order says to
retain the drawing Grade Pay until further
advise. This is against the persons with
Disabilities ( equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation
) Act, 1995 which stipulates retention of same pay and status. In case of
medical de categorization while onduty as retaining in same Grade Pay while
shifting to a non running scale is nothing but a reduction of status on account
of medical de categorization, that too only for Running Staff. So this meeting
demands to add 30% pay element with GP to determine equivalent non running
grade pay for de categorized Running Staff.
On Locomotive conditions
may be a wonder for any outsider how different are the driving cabs of
locomotives plying on Indian Railway line that too driven by the same Loco
Pilot. The driving equipments are misplaced. The sound pollution and vibration
are not controlled. Smoke and dust are free to enter the cab and so on. Every loco sheds are given free hand to
modify any loco without any pre requisite home work. So this meeting demands to
provide a uniform driving cab for all types of locos with air conditioners and
make all locomotives twin cab for better visibility.
On footplate officials occupying ALP
Loco engine cab is having constraint in space to accommodate more people apart
from engine crew. Most of the time inspecting officials /officers occupying the
ALP seat which causes difficult for ALP to locate signals in time and in
exercising good lookout which is paramount in safe working of trains. Henceforth it is demanded to
provide an additional seat for accommodating the inspecting officials/officers
and also to advice the inspecting officials not to disturb the duty of ALP by
occupying his duty.
Entire PME period to be treated as duty
The entire period of time elapsed during the PME by the Loco
Running Staff has to be treated as duty period as per the extent provisions of
IRMM since at present many Loco Running
Staff are went without pay putting loan and his family in lurch and duress.
16. On General Selection for CLI post
present for the post of Chief Loco Inspector (CLI) many Loco Pilot of Mail/Exp
and Pass. Are being volunteered and now there is no difficulty in filling up
the post of CLI. In the mode of
General selection a
situation is arising
that those who
are not handled Passenger/Mail/Express trains are nominated as Loco
Inspectors for monitoring / inspecting Loco Pilots of Passenger/Mail/Exp,
trains. Also many Junior Loco Pilots are inspecting the Senior Loco Pilots and
having difficulties for effective inspection and supervision.
it is urged to treat the post of Chief Loco Inspector as selection post and not
as the General selection post and be filled up basing on seniority cum
On discrimination against widows of 1986-96 retires.
5th CPC had allowed a uniform rate of family pension of 30% of last
drawn pay. While implementing the same an erroneous procedure was adopted for
the wards of the 1986-96 retires and they did not get their due pension. This
meeting demands the Government of India to rectify the anomaly and do justice to
the aged wards if the Government employees.
On registering FIR on SM’s message.
This BGM urges Railways to do away with the practice of
registering First Information Report (FIR) after an accident on the mere
strength of a message from Station Master under the extent provisions of
Accident Manual even before knowing the cause of the accident in fact finding
enquiry. This practice severely prejudices the case and the Loco Pilots are
made to undergo undue hardship in criminal proceedings despite the Loco Pilots
being completely exonerated and not found guilty in the departmental /
statutory enquiry.
On Unmanned Level Crossing Gates
In the last few years many Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco
Pilots were killed in the unmanned level crossings. It is urged to eliminate
all manned LC gates (with or without signals) and unmanned LC gates in line
with the recommendations of High Level Safety Review Committee. Till such time
in all unmanned LC gates reasonable speed restriction has to be imposed to save
the lives of innocent engine crew, traveling public and road users.
Organizational Resolution / Decision.
19th BGM passed a resolution for change of address of AILRSA
headquarters and partial alteration of rules.
The address of AILRSA head quarters
should be at Arvindapally, Adra, Dist. Purulia,
West Bengal instead of Anara, Dist.Purulia West Bengal and the necessary amendment in AILRSA constitution and
rules of AILRSA to be made.
program should be taken at the different levels by the Zones in different ways
on different urgent issues like MACP, duty hours, proper rest removal from
service for SPAD, even there is no loss at all, proper investigation into the
cases of SPAD, renewal of all over-aged infrastructure imposition of extra work
on LP / ALP through different JPO etc. in June / July way and manner of
campaign to be decided by the Zonal
committees. All the Divisions should have demonstration in second week of July
at their convenience on the above referred issues.
on save Railways, Safety and on our urgent grievances at least at two places in
each Zone, should be organized attended by Central Leaders in month of Aug /
Sept 2012. Detail of it be formulated in CWC meeting.
Committee has been constituted with the following Com to write the AILRSA
history : -
Harcharan Singh – Convener – N. Railway
T. Hanumaya – Member –
S. C. Railway
N. Sarkar – Member –
E. Railway
P. K. Duttagupta – Member –
E. Railway
Sanjit Sarkar – Member –
N. F. Railway
Trilok Singh – Member –
W. Railway
Jit Singh Tank – Member –
N. E. Railway
is resolved to extend medical assistance centrally, to Com. Sanjit Sarkar / N.
F Railway, if so required for his heart disease.
old committee resigned and Com. R. B. Yadav of E. Railway and Com. D. S. Koparkar
has entrusted to conduct the election. Subject Committee has submitted a
proposed list of Central Committee members and the Same has been unanimously
accepted by the House.
C. Sunish has given vote of thanks and Com. L. Mony newly elected president
concluded the BGM at 19:30 hrs on 17.05.2012
Committee Unanimously Elected.
– Com.
L. Mony – S. Railway
President – Com. N. Sarkar – E.
President –
Com. Sanat Kumar Sen – N.
F. Railway
President – Com.
T. Hanumaiah – S. C. Railway
President –
Com. Prabhunath Ray – E.
C. Railway
President –
Com. K.A S. Mani – S. Railway
President –
Com. Ramsharan – N. Railway
President –
Com. B. N. Bharadwaj – C.
General – Com. M. N. Prasad – E.
Co. Raiwlay
Secretary General – Com. N. B. Dutta – E. Co. Railway
Secretary General – Com. K. C. James – S. Raiway
secretary General – Com. Mrinal Kanti Seal – E.
secretary General – Com. A. K. Singh – S. E. C. Railway
secretary General – Com. K. Ishwar Rao – E.
Co. Railway
secretary General – Com. M. P. Dev – C.
Jit Singh Tank – N. E. Railway
Auditor – Com. N. C. Mandal –
E. Railway
Permanent Invitees: -
1. Com. Gautam Dasgupta – Metro
Railway – Kolkata
2. Com. K. K. Raut – Central
Organizing Secretary –
Railway – CEC/General Council Member
R. R. Bhagat – E. Railway – Com.
Manoj Roy
P. P. Govindan – N. F. Railway – Com. S. S.
S. K. Goutam – C. Railway - Com.
H. B. Singh
Roly M. M. – S.
Railway - Com. S. Radhakrishnan
H. S. Bhaduria – SEC Railway – Com. Sanjay Giri
M. Kanakaiah – S. C. Railway – Com.
A.V.S.N. Murthy
A. K. Dixit –
S. W. Railway – Com.M.
R. Jayaram
Jafrool Hassan – W. Railway – Com.
Gajendra Verma
D. S. Rathore – W. C. Railway – Com.
Rajendra Kumar
10. Com. D. K. Sahoo – E.
Co. Railway – Com. L. K. Giri
11. Com. S. P. Sahoo – E.
C. Railway – Com. A. B. Thapa
12. Com. Triloki Singh – N.
Railway – Com.
Gaurav Mittal
13. Com. Ram Prasad – N. E.
Railway – Com.
J. P. Kuswaha
14. Com. Goutam Goswami – S.E.
Railway – Com.
Mahadev Bhattcharjee
15. Com. R. C. Choudhury – N. W. Railway – Com.
P. K. Yadav

(M. N. Prasad)
Secretary General
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