Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Modern training system for loco pilots to tackle stress

July 15 (PTI)
 In an attempt to ensure safety of passengers, Railways is mulling to introduce a modern training system for loco pilots which would help them to tackle driving-related stress.

The PSU behemoth is facing issues of long duty hours and inadequate rest involving loco pilots. A computerised psychological test package is being procured by Indian Railways for screening and training of train drivers.

"The computerised psychological assessment tool measures specific abilities related to the job of loco pilots which include alertness, attentiveness, reaction time, vigilance, speed anticipation among others," a senior Railway Ministry official said.The test can measure cognitive abilities and personality traits of individuals. "An advance loco pilot training centre is being set up by Railways to introduce the modern test system for drivers. This will help the drivers to tackle stress and also keeping one's composure," he said.

Currently, Railways has 90,000 posts of loco pilots of which 22,000 are vacant. The need for the test system has become essential now as the public transporter is actively considering to run trains at higher speed. There will be screening of loco pilots prior to their deployment on high- speed trains. Testing process and calculation of results are totally automatic and the results are generated as soon as the testing is over. The use of computer ensures the highest possible level of objectivity and precision, and enables dimensions to be tested that could not be measured by traditional tests. In addition, the scoring of test results is guaranteed to be fast and accurate.

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