Proceedings of the 44th CBGM held at Agra (NCR) on 22nd and 23rd of October 2010
The 44th CBGM commenced at 11.00 hrs on 22.10.2010 with the lighting of Lamps by the Hon’ble Member of Parliament from Agra Sri. RAM SHANKAR KATHERIA followed by Com.U.S.SINGH our Ex-President, Com.C.M. Singh, Secretary General/AIREC, Com P.K.Das Central President and Com. U. John Vincent Kumar, Secretary General, Com. SHAMANDA SAGAR, CSF.
The House observed two minutes silence in honour of those who laid down their lives for the working class. The Reception Committee then honoured the leaders on the dais with Garlands. Then Mr. ASHOK KUMAR SHARMA, retired Station Master and Chairman, Reception Committee welcomed the gathering. Sri. RAM SHANKAR KATHERIA addressed the house, greeted the General Body and wished the Meeting a Grand SUCCESS. He assured to take up our long pending demands in the floor of the Parliament and declared open the 43rd CBGM.
The Presidential address was delivered by Com.P.K.Das. He detailed the activities of the Association and steps taken to eliminate the Grade Pay of Rs.2800. He was vociferous about the lethargic attitude of some of the office bearers. He concluded his speech with emphasis on Unity amongst Station Masters and devolpment of proper organisational structure.
Com. U.S.Singh in his address narrated the history of this Association, its struggles, sacrifices of our erstwhile leaders and stressed the need for unity among Station Masters and specially impressed the gathering, with his vibrating oratorical skill, and stressed about the importance of the organizational structure and the functioning formalities. Then the SG/AIREC, Com.C.M. Singh explained in detail about the case on the election for the Railway Trade Unions. He stressed the importance of the Role of AISMA in AIREC.
Then the President called for the Reports of Secretary General and Central Secretary- Finance. Com. U. John Vincent Kumar, SG tabled his written report. The report covered all the activities of AISMA during his tenure, sojourn to NDLS, evaluation of Zonal Railways, Action Pack, Persisting Problems, relationship with sister Trade Unions etc, and invited the delegates’ constructive criticism.
The meeting adjourned for lunch on conclusion of the fore-noon session.
After lunch, the Secretary Finance, Com. Shamanad Sagar, tabled his report,in which he mentioned about the record membership during the tenure. But, he also expressed his unhappiness over the publication accounting system and dues getting piled-up on all fronts. He also appealed to achieve maximum member- ship for the financial strength of AISMA.
Both the reports were discussed in detail, queries were raised and answers given by the Secretary General and Secretary Finance. The first day’s proceedings came to an end after the same.
The Second day’s session commenced at 10.00 hrs on 23.10.2010 with the address by Shri.B.S.KUSHWAHA, MLA from Agra Cantonment. The reports submitted by SG and CSF came-up for further discussion. Though many appreciated the commendable improvements in the Cadre and the activities of the CEC, nevertheless the criticism for the shortcomings blasted the stage. With the supplementary questions and response, the SG’s report alone was passed and the CSF report kept pending and is to be approved in the next CEC with the audited statement of Accounts.
Then the President called for the opinion of the Members for the future course of Action. The Members eloquently dealt on the imminent problems on the working conditions of SMs; building of our organization and having a sound financial base. Many associates raised their voice for direct action and the expressed that the War path of the Association should not be diluted.
Then the agenda of ‘Election of office bearers’ was conducted by Com.U.S.Singh, as Election Officer, assisted by Com.G.Rajan and Com. Rajagopal. The following are the newly elected office bearers for the period 2010-12.
Central President : Com. ROY SUNIL KUMAR SHARMA,
Central Vice Presidents 1. Com. M.P.MISHRA
Secretary General Com. U. JOHN VINCENT KUMAR
Joint Secretary General Com. R.N.CHATURBEDI
Dy.Secretary General-
Central Organising Secretary Com. YASHBHAN SINGH TOMER
Central Secretary-Finance Com.MANOJ G. NAIR
The following resolutions were passed unanimously:
A. The General Body Demands Rs.4600/- Grade pay as recruitment Grade Pay on the principle of Supervisor shall be place at least one grade higher than the supervised.
B. The house demands to grant of promotional increments to each pre-revised grade of Rs.5000-8000 and 5500-9000 when merged with the grade of Rs. 6500-10500 and 6500-10500 merged with Rs.7450-11500grade.
C. The house demands All sort of payment to the Railway employees like bonus payment, DA arrears etc trough bank only.
D. The General Body urges to Stop supply of blue colour uniform to lady SMs.
E. The house insists that All in-charge SMs shall be declared as supervisory SMs.
F. Centralised Head quarters for the benefit of the staff at way-side stations.
G. The House demands issue of Clear guidelines, to all Zonal Railway, with illustrations, with regard to eligibility for the MACP scheme, with special emphasis on the following:
1) Denial of Rs.4800 Grade Pay to those Station Masters who got their Rs.4600 Grade Pay on regular promotion ignoring their 20 years of continuous service in Rs.4200 Grade Pay.
2) Denial of the due MACP to those Station Masters who joined on transfer from other Divisions/Railways by not considering their earlier service as Station Masters in their Divisions/Railways
3) Denial of the due MACP to those Station Masters who became Station Masters from other cadres like CC/TNC/C.MAN by the wrong inclusion of their above elevation as a regular promotion
H. This House urges for Granting of UNIFORM ALLOWANCE, WASHING ALLOWANCE on par with Para Medical Staff.
Thereafter, the Reception committee conducted the lucky draw and distributed the prizes to the available winners. (The details of the draw will be published in SAMACHAR).
In the organizational Hour, the house discussed about the Action Programme. The house unanimously decided for a Direct Action. The new executive, in a way to honour the sacrifice of the 16 comrades, who sat for the 48 Hours fast for the cause of 35770 Station Masters of Indian Railways on 14th June 2010, authorized the CEC to plunge into direct action.
The house unanimously decided to conduct a Zonal Demonstration on 14.12.2010 in front of the concerned General Manager’s Office.
Indefinite Hunger Fast at NDLS to be conducted during the Budget session i.e. from 10.00 hrs of 19.02.2011.
1. Vacation of Victimization, especially in SR and SWR,
2. Minimum Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 for Station Masters;
3. Abolition of EI Roster;
4. All In-charge Station Masters to be declared as Supervisory;
5. Posting of Additional SMs to be simplified and posting to be done on war- footing;
6. Implementation of Junction type roster at all stations;
7. Uniform and Washing Allowance;
8. Curbing of MACPS anomalies and demanding uniformity in implementation;
9. Centralised Head quarters and
10. Uniform transfer policy.
The 44th CBGM concluded with a vow to work for the Station Masters’ Welfare and curtain being dropped with the declaration that the 45th CBGM is to be held in DURG in ECR
The vote of Thanks was delivered by Com. U.S.RANA, Zonal President / NCR.