Decisions of the CWC meeting held on 26th and 27th June 2010
1. The Central Working Committee meeting of AILRSA held at its Central Camp Office ,Ghaziabad, on 26th and 27th June 2010 expressed its vehement protest against the FTC report being the same is prepared with pre occupied mind, keeping blind and deaf to the representations and justifications given from our side and misinterpreting all the facts and hence denying justice to entire Loco Running Staff.
The FTC is appointed to resolve the grievances of Loco Running Staff avoiding the possible delay in finalizing the issue through the procedural departmental anomaly committee. But the FTC shirked its responsibility on the plea of departmental anomaly committee, although the terms and references of anomaly committee do not cover all of our demands.
They had wrongly stated that the Running Allowance rates are doubled with effect from 01-01-2006 (Para 3.2.3).they stated the revision of Running Allowance is a package that cannot be disturbed where the fact lies the recommendation for doubling by Joint Committee 2008 was merely on the assumption of doubling of TA rates, which was tripled/quadrupled later.
The entire report is silent about the arguments placed by the staff side so this meeting demands to reject the findings of the FTC.
Further the Railway Board officials present before RLC, New Delhi on 25-06-2010 and stated that “the recommendations of the FTC is put up before appropriate forum of the Railway Board and the matter will be examined at a larger forum to see that it gives satisfaction to the large number of Railway employees” and agreed to submit implementation report before RLC, New Delhi within 45 days. The Rly. Official further requested our representation to wait the final verdict of Rly. Board. Considering the new developments the CWC calls upon the entire Loco Running Staff to stall the agitation programmes for 45 days so that the final decision of Railway Board be released to take our further course of action uniformly all over India. Simultaneously we urge the Railway administration to resolve the issues to the full satisfaction of the Loco Running Staff.
2. A public interest litigation and the Rly. Management through GM/C-Rly. and W. Rly. is filed a case in the High Court of Mumbai in connection with the agitation of Locomen on 3rd and 4th May 2010. The litigation may lead to bad precedences. So the CWC directs the zonal committee of Central Railway to see that the case is pursued effectively through the JAF and also direct all other zonal committees to help them financially by sending Rs.2000/- immediately through the Central committee.
3. Mumbai High Court as we informed has directed to start conciliation before RLC Mumbai on the Locomen demands. The CWC suggests that the Joint Action Forum to confine the conciliation proceedings to issues pertaining to the Motormen and local issues before the RLC Mumbai and let the other issues to the conciliation of RLC New Delhi. The CWC also invites two representatives from the JAF to attend the conciliation proceedings before the RLC New Delhi on 20th August 2010, so as we shall maintain both the conciliations complimentary to each other.
4. All zonal/divisional/branch secretaries are directed to stop collection of membership of 2009 and send the collected membership with quota immediately to the Central. All zonal/divisional/branch secretaries shall start enrollment of membership for the year 2010 and shall be completed and send the membership statement by the end of August 2010. Those who are not in possession of membership book for the year 2010 may contact the Central Treasurer immediately
5. A detailed leaflet to be drafted centrally explaining the decisions of the CWC and published in English and Hindi immediately.
6. Sustained and continuous campaign programme by holding group meetings, worker’s meet, and tour programme in the zone by the team of zonal leaders to explain the situation and our task.
In order to explain the entire course of agitations organized by us, the results, the attitude of the Railway administration and the Federations and also to prepare staff for final action regional conventions with a Rally inviting representatives of trade unions, democratic organizations, people’s representatives, representatives of passengers/rail users as per the following programme to be conducted within 10th August 2010 and finally organizing a national convention at Mumbai on 25th August 2010. The convention shall be organized jointly by the Railways noted against each and the comrades nominated shall be in-charge of organizing the same. The date of the regional conventions be fixed with the consent of Secretary General.
Vijayawada SR,SWR,SCR Com.L.Mony
VSKP division of ECoR
Kolkata ER,SE,KUR & SBP Com.N.B.Dutta
Divisions of ECoR,
& Metro/Kolkata
Patna NE,ECR Com.D.Srivatsava
Jodhpur/Kota NWR,WCR,WR Com.Lunaram Siyag
Ludhiana NR, parts of NWR & WCR Com.Paramjit Singh
Nagpur SEC,part of CR Com. M.P.Deo
New jalpaiguri NFR Com.Sanjit Sarkar
The national convention at Mumbai or Kalyan to be organized in consultation with Motormen Association. Com.D.S.Koparkar will be responsible for organizing the national convention. The expenditure will be shared by AILRSA of WR & CR and Motormen Association. A token monetary assistance can also be given by the Central committee. Later, Com. Sunish informed undersigned that “ONAM” festival starts from 25th .Aug. and so the date of national convention may be deferred which will be known to you with sufficient imagine of time.
7. A generator set and an additional water tank for the use at the Central camp office, Ghaziabad with an approximate cost of Rs.20000/- to be purchased from the central fund.
Secretary General
Friday, July 2, 2010
8:29 AM
By MN Prasad
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