Jet Air ways-Pilots strike-The Hindu NewsStalemate continues in Jet Airways’ talks Vivek Bendre Mumbai/New Delhi, Sept. 12 The impasse between the Jet Airways management and its pilots continued for the fifth day. The Jet Executive Director, Mr Saroj Datta, met with…Read More
Jet Airway Strike-Workers viewJetting into an avoidable crisis A. Ranganathan The current crisis in Jet Airways was avoidable. The unfortunate developments have been blamed on the pilots of the National Aviators Guild — an entirely false impression. Pilot…Read More
Jet Pilots strike ends-report by The HinduJet pilots stir ends, flights to resume immediately MUMBAI: The five-day-old stir by Jet Airways pilots ended on Saturday night as the airline management and the agitators reached a settlement under which the four sacked pilo…Read More
Matter for NoticeALL INDIA LOCO RUNNING STAFF ASSOCIATIONHQ ADRA Reg. No. 17903 AFF to AIRECSOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY ZONE, HUBLIWeb Site: E-mail: ailrsaswr@gmail.comVisit: www.railwayslocopilots.blogspot.comDe…Read More
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