MUMBAI: The flash strike by motormen of Western Railway, which left thousands of suburban railway commuters stranded for over two hours, was finally
called off on Thursday night.
Suburban train services resumed shortly after 11 pm, after the strike was called off following discussions between motormen and railway officials, but not before angry commuters vented their ire, damaging property at some railway stations like Churchgate, Marine Lines and Andheri.
At Churchgate, hundreds of stranded commuters pulled down metal detectors and smashed glass panes of the booking office.
BEST operated additional services in view of the disruption of train services. Several commuters also opted for taxis to return home.
"Train services had come to a standstill at 9.20pm following the flash strike", Western Railway CPRO S S Gupta said. "The motormen gave a notice for hunger protest (strike) for today but there was no intimation about this strike", he said.
The motormen had refused to operate trains following the collapse of two of their colleagues during the day-long hunger strike. Over 300 motormen on the suburban line of the Western Railway (WR) participated in the agitation, demanding filling up of vacancies.
Around 9.20 pm, two motormen, apparently exhausted by the hunger strike, collapsed at Churchgate. Subsequently, other motormen stepped down from their duty following which all Up and Down train services were disrupted.
What Happens Actually
motor man of western railway went on ire and stopped the train service for 2.45 hours in peak hours, resulting in public anger.the motorman said that they were given notice one month before regarding an on duty hunger strike, but the DRM and the Sr.DEE(OP) neglected thier demands and not even permitted an elgible discussion. the demands were
1)crew link will be discussed with employees before implementation, not with the people of recoganised union, as these peoples blindly agreeing to administrations decission
2)Reduce average working KM / Day and make it less than CR or equivalent to them
3)Victimisation of motormans to be stopped immediately on silly and unwanted matters
4)one fellow victimised should be taken back without serious action
5)6th pay commission to be implemented in proper way as done in other places
6)demanding a grade pay of rs 4600/- to motormans
these demands were given one month before, and as per the programme motormen were working doiing hungerfast, and two of the members collapsed.even after that the adament & arrogant administration refused to talk constraining the motormans to take the deadly decision of stopping the train. and the drm & sr.dee(op) discussed with them agreeing the first five demands and recommending rly board to implement the 6th decision
Friday, December 19, 2008
6:31 PM
by Sunish
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Least responsible worker given pay equal to hardest worker
The incompetence of railway Board:
paying more for less responsibility and less for more responsibility.
Motorman was having 60% higher basic pay than guard up to 4th pay commission.
Motorman was having 18% higher basic pay than guard up to 5th pay commission.
In 6th pay commission they have been given the same basic pay as the guard.
The person having least responsibility in railways (just as good as a passenger for most of the time) given equal pay to the person having maximum responsibility every single second.
All this cannot be done without recognised unions signing the necessary documents.
so the unions especially top union leader Mr. Umrao Mal purohit works against drivers category including motormans.
hunger strike motorman, mumbai, railway board
system defects not corrected even after big accidents-cause of accident put on "Act of God"
In 1979 one local train rammed behind other train standing at sion station.
motorman was Mr. H Dey.
A train above train was the situation at Sion.
CRS church gate conducted an inquiry in which many lives were lost and concluded that it was the "Act of God" since motorman died in that accident.
Railways have not provided for an assistant driver in suburban trains.
Motorman H. Dey is reported to have suffered an heart attack or has become incapacitated due to some other reason and train kept it journey and finally rammed in the train ahead.
There is a device that is called dead man handle which is supposed to apply emergency brake and stop the train when some thing happens to the motorman.
but that did not happen not because the device mal functioned but because it is defective in design.
The issue here is that even after such a big accident the device is there as it is and no changes were made to device or the device should have been discarded. (even 20 years later).
The railways do not any thing except an eye wash.
so i feel that the railway board be abolished immediately.
Simple Logic: had an assistant driver been there he would not only had provided medical aid to the motorman Mr. H. Dey but also the accident would not have occoured.
but putting the blame on "act of God" they prevented any improvement in the system.
since they do not want to do any thing.
source of the above informaiton is obtained from central railways under right to information
Abolish the railway board
The real reasons for the sufferings of peoples traveling by railways suburban trains in Mumbai.
1. The railway board. (getting paid for creating problems for peoples)
when Mr. Sam Pitroda was appointed as adviser to prime minister on railways, the first thing he recommended was that the railway board be abolished.
After few days he was sacked naturally due to pressure from the officers lobby.
it should be noted that it was due to the initiative of Mr. SAM PIRODA, the telecom sector has gone beyond what can be said as sky is the limit.
why was Mr. Sam Piroda removed from that position?
1. The officers earn about 55% as commission from every thing that is done by railways.
2. it is working like as syndicate. on paper everything is perfect. no one can find any thing wrong.
3. the most systematic corruption in the world today.
4. this organisation has got no real work. for this a work study may be conducted by an independent organisation.
5. it does some work but that work is not required to be done at all.
6. It is because of the corruption and incapability of being able to take their own decision, the situation has come to a point that the peoples are forced to travel on roof taking risk of their life just to earn a living.
this risk is ever greater than that faced by the peoples of Baghdad when it was being bombed by America.
Just for earning an income to run a family.
please take first corrective actions first immediately and abolish the railway board.
The times of india group does not publish citizens coments on its website.
it's reports regarding motorman hunger strike and flash strike are extremely biased.
it publishes report that favour railways beyond imagination.
the public is left confused.
and the incomptence of railways are not even slightly highlighted.
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