Friday, February 14, 2020

19th February 2020, Chalo Delhi. March and Dharna at Jantar Mantar. 

Agitation against NPS, fact to be realized.

PFRDA Act and NPS were introduced by NDA Govt in 2003. PFRDA Act was passed by UPA II Govt in Sept 2013 with the support of BJP, DMK, AIADMK and all other parties except LEFT Parties. (During UPA I Govt Left parties not permitted to pass the PFRDA act)

The old pension scheme both contribution and benefit were defined. But in the NPS benefit is not defined as 40% of the employees’ accumulated contribution over the years of service will be left to the Provident Fund Managers (PFM) whims and fancies. 

There should be some guarantee of certain amount of minimum pension. Presently 50% of the last pay drawn plus ‘DA applicable as on the date’ is paid as pension to the employee (In Case of Running staff 55 % is added to this). NPS is being evolved jeopardizing the social/ economic security of the employee. 

In case of the Running staff , the 55% Retirement benefits which is accrued to them due to the arduous nature of work also will be nullified in this scheme. 

As a result of case filed by DREU at Hon. CAT/Madras Bench in OA No.575/2011, Central Government issued order on 26.8.2016, for granting Death Cum Retirement Gratuity with retrospective effect from 01.01.2004. 

Smt Jayanthy,J AA, whose Basic Pay was Rs.31,000, has retired recently under NPS after putting in a qualifying service of 10 years. She was paid with Rs. 3.8 lakhs against 60% and Rs 2.13 lakh against 40%.She, being a compassionate ground appointee, has no spouse, hence invested for life scheme. She is getting annuity of Rs.1200 per month. Had she been in old pension scheme she would have got Rs.15,500 as monthly pension which is 50% of her last drawn pay of Rs 31,000 plus DA/DR at appropriate rate. To get an equal amount of Rs.15,500 under NPS she should have invested Rs.21,37,800 in annuity and still there will be no DA/DR. In old pension scheme she would have earned Rs.15500+DA as guaranteed amount and it would not be wiped out in the market crisis. Thus there is no guaranteed minimum pension under NPS. There may not be pension due to market risks. 

AIRF president late Sri.Umraomal purohith was a trusty in NPS TRUST ACCEPTING THE SCHEME AS GOOD SCHEME. After exposed it he came out of this Trust only in 2011.AIRF did not pass a single resolution against the scheme until we exposed them. It was only in march 2011, after 7 years, they passed a resolution in their convention in Chennai. NFIR also supported the NPS and passed resolution against it only in January 2012 in its New Jalpaiguri meeting. 

AILRSA, AISMA, DREU and NREU are the railway trade unions who realized the threat and vigorously fighting and highlighting the facts from the very beginning. 

The entire central Govt employees’ organisations are against the NPS now. AIRF and NFIR should join sincerely with other Central Govt Employees Organisations to cancel NPS and to bring back old pension system. 

We can win: 

All Central Trade unions are in the warpath against this un-assured pension. There were many country wide strikes. On Sep 2, 2015, Sep 2, 2016, Two days countrywide General Strike on 8th and 9th January 2019. One day national strike on 8th Jan 2020. The Central Trade Unions like INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC, independent federations and associations of various sectors were participated these agitations. Among many other demands Scrapping of NPS is one of their demand. 

It is our duty to pressurize the Railway Trade Unions (AIRF & NFIR) to sincerely participate with other Central Govt Employees and Central Trade Unions to fight against NPS. It is also to be noticed that BMS is not a part of the above joint movement of Central Trade unions. 

AILRSA Central Committee decided to organize vigorous campaigning programs to pressurize our demands including Scrapping of NPS. 

On 19th February AILRSA is organizing a March and Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi demanding the following. 

1. Revise running allowance as per RAC1980 formula and pay arrears w.e.f 01.01.2016. 

2. Scrap NPS and restore Old pension system. 

3. Reduce duty hours to 10 hrs in 2020 as recommended by HPC, reduce to 8 hours with statutory limit to 90 hours in a phased manner. 

4. Allow 16 + 30 hours PR as ordered by Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka. 

5. Allow L6 pay to ALP and distinct higher levels to Loco Pilots. Declare equivalent non running scales. 

6. Restore the limit of consecutive night duties to two. 

7. Stop privatization 

Be a Part of our MIGHTY STRUGGLE. Realise the facts, don’t go behind wrong campaigns with political agenda to divide working class and weaken Trade unions. 

Prepared by C. Sunish. 

14th February 2020. 

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