Monday, August 26, 2019

(T.Hanumaiah        CVP).

I extend my revolutionary greetings to all Locomen on the occasion of celebrating the Golden  jubilee year of evolution of AILRSA.

This great organization was evolved from carving out of numerous struggles and Innumerable sacrifices of our ancestors and founder members.

This mighty organization has United the Rank and File of Locomen of Indian Railways. It has launched historical struggles in August 1973, December 1973, 1974,1979 & 1981 etc., among others, with- standing the severe repression and heavy victimisation and successfully securing improvements in working and service conditions such as counting of duty hours from Signing ON to Signing OFF instead of from wheel movement for claiming relief & rest, grant of periodic rest,equal pay for equal work, RAC1980 Formula for  running allowances rates,wages,adding 30% & 55% pay element to basic pay for calculating DA & Pensionary benefits, increase of 14.29% of pay in 7th CPC pay matrix, Bonus etc, which are being enjoyed including the present generation.

There are many more vital issues haunting the locomen both serving and retired, for redressal. Every Locoman has to become member of AILRSA making it the sole & mighty representative of Locomen to achieve the following among other demands.

# Allot the 7th CPC pay matrix level No. 6 to the ALP and relatively suitable higher pay  matrix level to the other Categories of  Locomen.

# Fixation of Running Allowances rates on the basis of RAC1980 Formula.

# Intensive classification of Locomen under HOER,duly restricting the duty hours to 6 (six) at a stretch & working days to 5 a week & Night cuties to 2 (two) a week.

# Risk Allowance to all Locomen.

# Provide Star Hotel facilities in Running Rooms.

# Filling up of Vacancies.

# Parity in pension to pre- 01-01-2016 Running staff pensioners & family pensioners with the post 01-01-2016 Running Staff pensioners and family pensioners.

# Restore old pension scheme duly scrapping the NPS.

# Stop privatisation program of Railways.

# The Incidents of SPAD cases shouldn't be subjected to Major penalties. Accordingly all pending proceedings be withdrawn and the punishments Imposed be cancelled etc.

The EVOLUTION of AILRSA is not complete without reference to the Role of Firemen Council of Southern and South Central Railways which, have unleashed bitter struggles,against the Inhuman and bonded Labour working conditions, in1967 & 1968 paralising the train services. In the result, Ashraff committee was constituted for Revision of Running Allowances rates and a written assurance was given reducing the duty hours to 14 at a stretch from signing ON to Signing OFF and can claim relief there after,thus, nullifying the concept of counting duty hours from Wheel movement  of train for claiming relief. These militant struggles had brought a renaissance movement among locomen of Indian Railways leading to sporadic struggles on various local and other issues in different Railways. This has paved the way in bringing together the fraternity of Locomen for a broad based unity. In a meeting
held in Delhi the Responsibility of convening and organising a special conference in Vijayawada was given to Com. Y.Sunderamoorthy, the Chairman of S.C.Railway Fireman Council. Under his able leadership the Conference was very successfully held with a participation of 4000 delegates taking out a mammoth Rally through the streets of city of Canals the Vijayawada. The AILRSA(All  India Loco Running Staff Association) was formed coming in to existence on 26-08-1970.
Com.B V S Rao and Com.P.K.Baruah were elected as president and Secretary General, Respectively.

T.Hanumaiah,  CVP.

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