Friday, December 28, 2018


Dear Comrades, 

The consistent opposition to neo-liberal policies has come from the trade union movement in the country. The efforts of the left trade unions from 1991 have now resulted in the total unity of central organizations of trade unions and also various independent national federations of employees in different sectors, who also have massive following. 

Last two decades have seen 18 countrywide protest strikes and also innumerable sectoral struggles, many of them at National level. All these struggles were basically against the policies of ruling class. 

All the central trade unions (BMS, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, AICCTU, UTUC, TUCC, SEWA, LPF) supported by thousands of unaffiliated unions were part of this joint movements. The BMS which was a part of the programs forced to keep away from the strike by the pressure of BJP leadership. 

The Central Trade Unions gave a clarion call to the entire working class of the country to join the two days’ country wide general strike on January 8-9, 2019 against the anti- worker, anti-people and anti-national policies being pursued by the BJP government at the centre led by Prime Minister Modi. Entire Central Govt organisations, State Govt Employees Federations, Postal, Defence Bank, Insurance, Industrial federations and other un organized sector workers are participating the mighty struggle. 

The Demands includes the following: 

Minimum wage linked to Consumer Price Index must be guaranteed to all workers, taking into consideration the recommendations of the 15th Indian Labour Conference as enriched by Apex Court of the country as reiterated in 44th ILC in 2012. In any case, it should not be less than Rs.15,000/- p.m. 

Take effective measures to arrest the spiraling price rise and to contain inflation; Ban speculative forward trading in commodities; Universalise and strengthen the Public Distribution System; Ensure proper check on hoarding; Rationalise, with a view to reduce the burden on people, the tax/duty/cess on petroleum products. 

FDI should not be allowed in crucial sectors like defence production, telecommunications, Railways, financial sector, retail trade, education, health and media. 

Income Tax exemption ceiling for the salaried persons should be raised to Rs.5 lakh per annum and fringe benefits like housing, medical and educational facilities and running allowances, Railways Running Staff and a staff in other departments should be exempted from the income tax net in totality. 

New Pension Scheme be withdrawn and newly recruited employees of central and state governments on or after 01.01.2004 be covered under Old Pension Scheme. 


All India Loco Running Staff Association( AILRSA) is a category based trade union which is best suited to raise propagate and fight for the category wise demands which is unique for Loco Running Staff. But there are many basic common demands like Privitisation of railways, filling up of vacancies, and other safety related issues which can be resisted jointly with other railway trade unions and demands like NPS, anti labour policies of the Government which can be fight jointly with other Central Government organisations and Central Trade unions. AILRSA realise that without such unity, the level of class consciousness cannot be heightened. 

But unfortunately the major trade unions in Railways, AIRF and NFIR even though they are a part of national trade union movement, they keep them self away from National strikes by telling some lame excuses. 

Hence AILRSA also cannot join with the National strike as isolated strike will deeply harm us. AILRSA extend moral support by organising supporting programmes all over India. 

Working Class Unity Zindabad.                                              AILRSA Zindabad. 

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