Friday, August 31, 2018


7th Central Pay Commission was announced by UPA Government in 2013

On 04.02.2014 the them Prime Minister Sri Man Mohan Singh announced approval of 7th CPC.

On 28.02.2014 Government issued Gazatte notification on constitution of 7th CPC 1) Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, Chairman 2) Vivek Rae, Member 3) Dr. Rathin Roy, Member and 4) Mrs. Meena Agarwal, Secretary

Suppose to submit their report by 31 May 2015(18 months time).  But CPC asked extension up to 31 July 2015

The report, which was supposed to be submitted in August, was delayed when the Pay Commission, on 27.08.2015, asked for an extension of four months to complete its report.

National Joint Council of Action in the meeting on 30.09.15 at New Delhi decided to defer the Indefinite Strike from 23rd November 2015 to FEB 2016. Since 7th CPC is likely to submit their report by December and Govt may not take any decision due to Bihar election.

National Joint Council of Action (NCJA) representing the employees in Central Govt sector- Income Tax, Audit etc, Postal Employees, Defence Employees and Railway Employees organised a massive Dharna in front of Jantar Manthar, New Delhi on 19.11.2015 demanding release of 7th CPC report, same day CPC submitted their report to Government of India.

NCJA organized, Massive Dharna in different parts of country19, 20 & 21 Jan, 2016. The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi, has given its approval for setting up an Empowered Committee of Secretaries under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary, in order to process the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) in an overall perspective.

NCJA declared indefinite strike from 11.04.2016, but due to elections for 4 states it deferred to 11.07.2016.

AILRSA extended full support and decided to join the strike.

Govt called NCJA for negotiation. Discussion held with Hon’ble Home Minister Sri Rajnath Singh. Government assures that the issues raised by them relating to the pay scales and other recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission would be considered by a High Level Committee of Ministers.

NJCA has decided to defer the Indefinite Strike in the background of meetings with the Ministers and the assurance by the Government of India.

The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi approved the recommendations of the 7th CPC on allowances with some modifications. The revised rates of the allowances shall come into effect from 1st July, 2017.

While approving the recommendations of the 7th CPC on 29th June, 2016, the Cabinet had decided to set up the Committee on Allowances (CoA) in view of substantial changes in the existing provisions and a number of representations received. The modifications are based on suggestions made by the CoA in its Report submitted to Finance Minister on 27th April, 2017 and the Empowered Committee of Secretaries set up to screen the recommendations of 7th CPC.

The above issue was affected to 33 lakhs Central Government Employees and they even organized many agitation program including strike.

But the issue of running allowance is affecting 65000 railway running staff only and our comrades are not prepared to participate in the agitation programs organized by AILRSA and not prepared for a strike. If you are not prepared to fight you are not going to get your rights.

What is RAC 1980 Formula?

30% of mean of the scale of pay of Loco Pilot Passenger + 20 Days TA X 100

Monthly average kilometre of Loco Pilot Passenger

The Running Allowance rate should come to as follows

AILRSA Demand:

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 5100

(22170+16000)/5100 x100 =748 per 100 KMS.
NFIR Demand:

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 4000

(22170+16800)/4000 x100 =974 per 100 KMS.

Here NFIR took 21 days TA and National Average KMS 4000
AIRF Demand:

Minimum of L6: 35400, Maximum of L 6: 112400 Mean Pay: 73900

30% of Mean Pay: 22170 TA for L6: 800 National Average KMS: 4700

(22170+16000)/5100 x100 =812 per 100 KMS.

Here AIRF took National Average KMS as 4700.

AILRSA, NFIR &; AIRF has a common stand that mileage to be finalized as per RAC 1980 formula. Even NFIR accepted that during finalization of Running Allowance rate in 2008 they were cheated by Railway Board.

5th CPC mileage rate was 83 and TA rate was 105. Joint committee recommended doubling of Mileage and finalized 170 where as TA rate was increased to 340.

Present TA rate is Rs 800/- and effected from 1st July 2017.

Railway Board has conducted a number of meetings with both recognised federations to finalise the Running Allowance. But unable to find a solution and still the decision is dragging.

AILRSA organized BLACK DAYS on 14, 15 & 16 May 2018, and Conducted a Mass Demonstration in front of all DRM offices.

The loco pilots of Indian railways launched the protest agitation of “fasting while on duty as well as off duty” For 48 hrs from 17.07.2018. Around 135 comrades hospitalized in all over India.

1. Revise Running Allowance as per RAC 1980 formula.

2. Rectify the anomalous order (RBE 13/2018) on revision of pension and ensure parity in pension between pre and post 2016 retired running staff.

Latest information in this is that Railway board letter dated 23.08.2018 to General Secretary of NFIR

“ …..the issue regarding pay element and rates of KMA /ALK for running staff is under consideration and of present a proposal has been submitted for approval of the competent authority to be sent to the Ministry of Finance for their concurrence.”

Still railway is prolonging the issue further mobilize our friends and prepare for a mass protest.


The following points to be remembered.

1. Backstabbing of AIRF at threshold, to the

" Indefinite strike" announced by the Joint Council of Action, which negatively affected the prospects of entire 33 lakh central government employees to a maximum.( SRMU action was similar to Katappa in Bahubali)

2. While the UPA government announcing 7 CPC in 2013, Sri. Narendra Modi, Chief Minister, Gujarat and Smt Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister West Bengal were reacted against the decision.

3. NDA government is continuing it's anti labour politics.

4. Proper resistance against the anti running staff and anti labour policies are lagging.

5. People are marking their protests only in social networks which is insufficient.

AILRSA 22nd All India BGM at Jodhpur on 24 & 25 September will decide future course of action including stoppage of work.

Prepared by C Sunish, Asst Secretary General AILRSA.

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