Saturday, February 17, 2018

Programme of action 

a. Individual Letter Campaign 

It is decided to send individually signed inland letter to Chairman Railway Board demanding to settle the running allowance issue as per the prescribed formula of RAC 1980 duly maintaining 30% and 55% Pay element for in service and pensionary benefits respectively without further delay. This programme should be completed in 7 days from today 

Association will intimate both federations about the joint signature campaign and seek their intervention at proper forums. 

b. Delegation to CRB 

In the matter of running allowance, duty hours, periodical rest and SPAD punishment issues, it is decided to meet with CRB between 20th to 25th Feb2018. The delegation, under the leadership of Com. N. B. Dutta, Com. T. Hanumaiah, Com. M.M.Roly, Com. R. Murali and Com. M. P. Deo are nominated to meet with the CRB. 

c. Dharna programme at all divisions on 15th March 

It is decided to hold ‘Dharna’ at all divisions on 15 March 2018 from 09.30 hrs to 17.30 hrs on the demand of Running Allowance, implementation of HPC,HLSRC,SPAD Committee, Task Force on Safety in Train Operation, NPS, Privatization of Railways and any local demands. On the “Dharna” day, it is decided to submit representation, addressed to CRB through DRM, by the Divisional Secretary. Matter of representation will be circulated by the Central committee. 

4. Preparation for BGM 

As it is decided at BZA to hold 22nd BGM at Jodhpur tentatively on 29th and 30th Sep2018, Central leaders’ team will go to Jodhpur to guide the Zonal Committee to finalize the venue of BGM and accommodation for delegates and also other preparations by constituting a Reception Committee. This team shall consist of Com. N. B. DUTTA, Com. D. S. Koparkar, Com. LunaramSiyag, Com. Paramjit Singh and Com. M. P. Deo and they will visit NWR from 6th to 8th March.Zonal committee meeting of NWR will declare the final date of BGM. 

5. Fire and NIT dues 

It is advised to all divisions/zones to clear all the dues of NIT levy and ‘FIRE’ both Hindi and English magazine since Com. Giriraj Sharma reported that the financial crisis has stalled the printing of Hindi FIRE. 

6. Campaign Meeting 

It is also decided to hold campaign meetings in the following zones before May 2018. NR has decided to hold their BGM on 18th and 19th of March at Moradabad. NE and NFR zones are requested to arrange to hold their pending Zonal BGM during the tour programme according to availability of Central Leaders nominated for each Zone.Com.P.P.Govindan shall take the responsibility of co-ordinating the tour programme in NFR, Com.Jit Sing Tank in NE, Com.M.P.Deo in NCR and Com.Rajnath Kumar in SECR. 

i. NWR -(6 to 8 MARCH 2018)- By Com. N. B. Dutta& Com. D. S. Koparkar 

ii. NF RLY - ………… Com. N. B. Dutta& Com. GautamDasgupta 

iii. NR(18th& 19th March 2018) Com. M. P. DEO & Com. D. S. Koparkar 

iv. NE Rly- …………………. Com. R. R. Bhagat& Com. A. K. Raut 

v. NCR - ………………… Com. M. P. DEO & Com. D. S. Koparkar 

vi. SECR - ……………… Com. N. B. Dutta& Com. S. K. Choubey 

vii. W. Rly& C. Rly(26th & 27th February 2018) Com. K.C.James& Com.T.Hanumaiah 

7. Trade union and DAR classes. 

Trade union classes are very much essential to educate our comrades in all zones about the concepts of trade unions. So it is decided to formulate a syllabus of trade union classes. Com. T. Hanumaiah and Com. M. P. Deo are nominated to prepare the syllabus. 

8. On proposal to introduce Trolley Bag to LPs/ALPs 

It is also unanimously decided by the CWC to reject carrying of tool kit bag and instead demand to provide all the required tools and other equipments and material in the locomotive cab itself. This CWC directs the branches and divisions to organize immediate protest wherever railway resorts to implement its decisions to give Toolkit/Bag. 

9. Joint Programme with AIGC 

The inland letter campaign, being taken only on issue of running and other allowances shall be taken jointly. The following Dharna programme is decided for all pending demands; it shall not be a joint programme. 

10. On unprecedented delay of NIT proceedings. 

A detailed letter on the unprecedented delay in the proceedings at NIT/Mumbai will be send to Hon’ble President of India, Prime Minister of India, Chief Justice of Supreme Court and Central Labour Minister. Adv. T.C. Govinda Sami will prepare the letter. 

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