Monday, August 28, 2017

Lohani, the chairman of the Railway Board (CRB), has made it clear to the ministry officials that 'VIP culture' must be stopped to bring about a substantial change in the system.

Rakesh Ranjan | Posted by Shraddha Jandial
August 28, 2017 | UPDATED 

Ashwani Lohani interacted with young railway officers of Delhi division on Sunday.

1 The directives came on Sunday while Lohani interacted with young railway officers of Delhi

2  A railway ministry officer said Lohani wants an immediate end to the VIP culture.

3 Lohani had issued similar disciplinary circulars to its staff as CMD.

The new boss of Indian Railways, Ashwani Lohani, has taken the unconventional route to discipline its workforce in order to improve functioning of the railway ministry. Lohani, the chairman of the Railway Board (CRB), has made it clear to the ministry officials that 'VIP culture' must be stopped to bring about a substantial change in the system. There will now be a strict prohibition on accepting gifts for all railway officers and they have also been told to give up unnecessary protocols.

And for the young officers who have joined the railways in the recent time, Lohani has a rather unconventional advice to keep their tables and office uncluttered if they really want to make railways clean and garbage-free. The directives came on Sunday while Lohani interacted with young railway officers of Delhi division, which he had headed seven years ago as the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM). Railway officers less than eight years old in the organisation were present in the meeting, apart from senior officers.

The chairman has strictly ordered to end the tradition of bouquets, gifts and 'buttering'. "There will be zero tolerance towards corruption. The bouquet and gift culture has to be abandoned and only performance on the given post will be judgmental," Lohani told officers.

A railway ministry officer said Lohani wants an immediate end to the VIP culture. He has told the DRMs to treat all staff members as equals and pay due attention to every suggestions of the ground staff. To end this culture, the CRB has ordered removal of name plates from the chambers of senior officers in the Rail Bhavan.

On Sunday, Lohani urged all senior officers to spend maximum time in field duty rather than clearing files in the comfort of their offices. "Indian railways has a proven track record and its performance is comparable with leading railway organisations of the world. But due to recent spate of incidents its image has taken a severe beating. To overcome shortcomings, perceptible changes should come from those working on the ground," he added.

Railway ministry sources said the CRB has also asked seniors to be present in office on Saturdays to executor office-related works.

Lohani took over after a series of rail accidents and deteriorating conditions of food and hygiene were reported.

While consecutive derailments prompted AK Mital to quit as Chairman of Railway Board; Railway minister Suresh Prabhu also offered to resign owing moral responsibility.

Earlier, as the CMD of Air India, Lohani had issued similar disciplinary circulars to its staff. He not only asked Air India staff to carry their hand baggage on their own instead of using porters, but also ordered them to maintain a proper dress code during travel, be it on leave or on duty. Urging employees to do away with 'petty courtesies', he asked them to stop presenting him with bouquets and also ensure that minimal number of officials are present to see him off at airports.

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