Sunday, July 2, 2017

11 Types Of Horns And What They Mean In Indian Railways

JUNE 25, 2017

Have you ever-heard a train whistle closely? Well, they are not just for the arrival or departure but every horn and its duration has a meaning behind it. Here are eleven types of horns and what they mean, according to Indian railways. 
1. One short horn

A small horn means the motorman would take the train in the yard where it would be washed and cleaned for its next trip.

2. Two short horns

When the motorman gives two smaller horns, he is signalling the guard to ask railway signal for starting the train.
3. Three smaller horns

Motormen rarely press the horns thrice because if they do, it means they have lost control over the motor and that the guard has to immediately pull the vacuum break. 
4. Four smaller horns

The four smaller horns denote that there is a ‘technical’ issue with the train and that the train would not go ahead. 

5. One long horn and a shorter one

This horn means that the motorman is signalling the guard to set the brake pipe system before they start the engine.

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