Tuesday, April 21, 2015

SOUTH WESTERN RAILWAY      Press Release No.13Dt. 17-04-2015


The 60th Railway Week Celebrations of Headquarters of South Western Railway was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest, Shri PRADEEP KUMAR SAXENA, General Manager, South Western Railway on Friday, the 17th April, 2015, atChalukya Railway Institute, Gadag Road, Hubli, in the presence ofSmt. Neelima Saxena, President, SWR Women’s Weflare Organisation, Shri K. Harekrishnan, Chief Personnel Officer, SWR, Shri Vashista Johri, Chief Mechanical Engineer, SWR, Shri Sanjive Roy, Principal Chief Engineer, Shri P. Ganeswara Rao, Chief Operations Manager, Shri Vishal Agarwal, Chief Commercial Manager, SWR and other Principal Heads of Departments, Shri Sanjeev Mittal, Divisional Railway Manager, Hubli Division, Shri Rajkumar Lal, DRM/Mysore Divn.and Shri Sanjiv Agarwal, DRM/Bangalore Divn.

Shri PRADEEP KUMAR SAXENA, General Manager, South Western Railway who was the Chief Guest of the function outlined the overall performance of South Western Railway during the financial year 2014-15.He said SWR has shown remarkable turnround in its performance in twelve years of its existence, both in physical and financial terms.The originating passenger earnings up to March, 2015 has increased by 17%to Rs.1,820 Crs.SWR has carried 37.50 Million tones of freight during the financial year 2014-15, registering an increase of 5% over last year.The freight earnings have also been increased to Rs.3,378 Crs., registering an increase of 13%.With the co-operation of all our workforce and innovative management, SWR has achieved almost 10 per centage points improvement in operating ratio, Shri Saxena said.

Shri Saxena also said that SWR has started 14 new Mail/Express trains & organized 4162 Special Trains and premium trains during the current year.To clear the extra rush, 4459 extra coaches have been attached to regular Mail/Express trains.The Public, trade and industry have been given good services by ensuring punctual running of trains and timely movement of goods, he stated.SWR has taken giant leap in eliminating Level Crossings and thereby enhancing safety of Train operations.74 unmanned Level Crossings were closed during 2014-15 and this pace will be maintained.Shri Saxena further stated that SWR is continuously strengthening the security apparatus in Railway premises to ensure safe travel.RPF is escorting 39 trains on an average per day to provide better security to passengers.RPF/GRP Escort party also keep a watch over the ladies compartment and play a proactive role in rescuing the runway/missing children from their homes, Shri Saxena added.

Shri Saxena further saidthat a special thrust is being given to improve infrastructure and line capacity on various sections of South Western Railway.During 2014-15, Construction Organisation have completed 89 Kms. of track which includes 51 kms. of New Line and 38 kms. of Doubling of track.

Shri P.K. SAXENA congratulated all the awardees who have worked hard for improving the performance of this railway.He said all the officers, supervisors and staff deserve compliments for their dedication and untiring efforts put in to achieve organizational objectives.With this dedicated work force, Shri P.K.Saxena hoped that South Western Railway would continue to excel in the coming years.

Later, Shri P.K. SAXENA, GM/SWRpresented individual awards with meritorious certificates, Cash awards withmedals to 123 railway employees (including 16 officers) of Headquarters, all the three divisions, workshops and diesel sheds, field staff and a total of 20 General Manager’s prestigious Efficiency Shields which include---Overall Efficiency shield won by Hubli Division, received by Shri Sanjeev Mittal, Divisional Railway Manager, Hubli division and his team of Branch officers.
Other Efficiency Shields viz.,Medical, Personnel, Signal & Telcom.(S&T), Inter Divisional Rajbhasha Rolling Shield won by Hubli Division, besides, Accounts Efficiency Shield bagged jointly by Hubli & Mysore Divisions; Operating Efficiency Shield jointly won by Hubli & Mysore Divisions ;Commercial, Mechanical, SecurityEfficiency Shields won by Bangalore Division,besides, Electrical Efficiency Shield bagged jointly by Bangalore & Mysore Divisions, Engineering, Inter Divisional Safety Shieldby Mysore Division, besides, Stores Efficiency Shield won jointly by Material General Stores Depot, Ashokapuram(Mysore) & General Stores Depot, Hubli ; Best Performing Construction Unit Efficiency Shield won jointly by Deputy Chief Engineer/Construction/Davangere and Deputy Chief Signal & Telecom. Engineer /Construction/Hubli; Best maintained Rake Efficiency Shield (Rake of Tr. Nos. 17317/17318 Hubli-Lokamanya Tilak Terminus-Hubli Express) won by Hubli Division; Workshop Efficiency Shield won by Hubli Workshop.
In addition to the above, Best Maintained station Efficiency Shield for Major station (Mysore station)of Mysore Division and Minor station Efficiency Shield won byWhitefield station of Bangalore Division, whereas, the BestMaintained Running Room Efficiency Shield won by Arsikere Running Room of Mysore Division.These Shields were received by the respective Department Officials from the Chief Guest at the function.
During the function, Shri P.K. Saxena, General Manager, SWR also presented “ Women of the YearAward ” of Rs. 5,000/- each to Smt. V. Shantha, Points Woman, Operating Dept/Hubli Division and Smt. Smitha V.M. Helper, General Stores Depot(GSD), Hubli.He also presented GM’s Scholarship Awards under the banner of Women’s Empowerment under Central Staff BenefitFund (CSBF) Schemeto the girl students who have secured 1st, 2nd & 3rd Rank in the 09th Std. in the acedamic year 2013-14 in Railway High School, Hublito Kum. Megha M. Zende(1st Rank-Rs.3,000/-), D/o. Shri Maruti Zende, Helper, Hubli Workshop ; Kum. Aishwarya A. Kulkarni (secured 2nd Rank-Rs.2,500/-), D/o. Shri Ananth Kulkarni, Helper, Carriage & Wagon Depot, Hubli& Kum. Anita Wallikar (3rd Rank—Rs.2,000/-),D/o. Shri Rudrappa Y. Wallikar, Technician, Hubli Workshop respectively.
The Railway Week Celebrations main function was held followed by grand cultural programmes performedby railway employees, Students of Railway Schools, Hubli.

Earlier, Shri Harekrishnan, Chief Personnel Officer, SWR welcomed the gathering.The other senior officials who present for the function, include Shri U. Krishna Murthy, Senior Deputy General Manager, Shri B. Pandey, FA&CAO, Shri Ashok Gupta, Chief Administrative Officer(Construction), SWR, Dr. D. Jaykumar, Chief Medical Superintendent, Shri O.B. Khare, Controller of Stores, SWR, Shri Vikrant Kalra, Chief Safety Officer and others. Shri P.K. Kutty, Deputy Chief Personnel Officer(Headquarters), SWR proposed vote of thanks.
Photo Caption: 60th Railway Week(HQ)-DSC-1008_: Shri Pradeep Kumar Saxena, General Manager, South Western Railway seen lighting the lamp to mark the inauguration of the main function of 60th Railway Week Celebrations of SWR was held at Chalukya Railway Institute, Gadag Road, Hubli today (17-04-2015).Also seen to his left is : Smt. Neelima Saxena, President, SWR Women’s Welfare Organization(SWRWWO) looks on.

Photo Caption: 60th Railway Week(HQ)-DSC-1009_: Shri Pradeep Kumar Saxena, General Manager, South Western Railway(Centre) (who was the Chief Guest for 60th Railway Week Celebrations of SWR), seen presenting GM’s Prestigious Overall Efficiency Shield with merit Certificate which won by Hubli Division to ShriSANJEEV MITTAL, Divisional Railway Manager, Hubli Division at the main function of 60th Railway Week Celebrations of SWR was held at Chalukya Railway Institute, Gadag Road, Hubli today ( 17-04-2015).All the Branch Officers ofHubli Division are also seen in the picture.

Photo Caption: 60th Railway Week(HQ)-DSC-1010_: Shri Pradeep Kumar Saxena, General Manager, South Western Railway(Centre) seen presenting GM’s Prestigious Cash Award with merit Certificateto Smt. SAMEENASHAIK, Chief Vigilance Inspector, Vigilance Branch, SWR for her outstanding performance during the year 2014-15.at the main function of 60th Railway Week Celebrations of SWR was held at Chalukya Railway Institute, Gadag Road, Hubli today ( 17-04-2015).Shri K. Harikrishnan, Chief Personnel Officer, SWR looks on.
(Office of the General Manager, Public Relations Branch, SWR, Club Road, Hubli-23)

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