Sunday, April 12, 2015

‘FDI in Railways will only profit MNCs and not citizens’

Special Correspondent
Members of the All-India Loco Running Staff Association taking out a rally in Mysuru on Saturday as part of their 5th Zonal Conference.— Photo: M.A. Sriram
Members of the All-India Loco Running Staff Association taking out a rally in Mysuru on Saturday as part of their 5th Zonal Conference.— Photo: M.A. Sriram
The 5{+t}{+h}Zonal Conference of the All-India Loco Running Staff Association was held in the city on Saturday with the members cautioned against privatisation efforts of the government.
The conference was inaugurated by the All-India Insurance Employees’ Association president Amanullah Khan who said that the privatisation of railways would follow a familiar pattern with the profit-making units being handed over to the private players. Foreign Direct Investment proposed for the Railways was only for the maximisation of profit for the multinational corporations and not to help the people of the country as Railways would cease to be a service-oriented sector, he added.
The conference also stressed upon the imperatives of adequate resting time for the loco pilots in view of the safety of the passengers. About 150 loco pilots from the South Western Railway are attending the conference to take cognisance of their long-pending demands and their working conditions.
The association said many favourable recommendations pertaining to the loco running staff has been kept in cold storage by the Railway Board and the conference has resolved to get them implemented.
This includes reducing the duty hours and the night duty hours, timely promotions, imperatives of filling up vacancies etc.

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seetha seetha said...

It is likewise been accounted for that Sahara has paid Rs 725.97 crore as TDS to the Income Tax Departments on the premium which Sahara india alongside speculation was reimbursed to 95 percent of the financial specialists, between 2009-10 and 2012-13

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