Imagine bullet train to Capital in 6 hours flat
Chennai-New Delhi corridor will be the second longest in the world after China's Beijing-2,298 km line launched last year
It is fascinating to
think we can envisage a Bullet train ride that will take us to New Delhi
in six hours flat. Even 10 years ago such a project would have seemed
impossible to contemplate in Indian conditions, although the technology
of fast trains far predates that time. Today, technological reach is
guaranteed if you have the money, so truly international has the spread
of technology become.
Of course, it
is a mere matter of finding Rs 2,24,000 crores, which is not all that
much considering how each of yesterday’s scams was computed to cost
close to that much in lost revenues, that is, if you discount the zero
sum theories of such luminaries as Kapil Sibal. The cost of a whole
Bullet quadrilateral connecting the Metros would be mind boggling. The
very thought the nation can now think it can afford this makes for a
very positive outlook to life in India.
most pessimistic forecast would be that we old timers may not be able
to see the Bullet train run in India in our lifetime. The most
optimistic would be that the Chinese, if given the project, would be
able to put it all together in a decade or so, provided, of course, that
the usual stumbling block of the feared red tape of the Indian
bureaucracy does not scupper the super ambitious project.
acquisition might become a bigger bugbear, but we are not at that stage
yet, The Chinese are first going to study the feasibility of the
1,754-kilometre corridor. And the Japanese are competing for the right
to build the project for India and are promising to do it on more
favourable terms. This is no mean project either. The corridor will be
the second longest in the world after China’s 2,298-km Beijing-Guangzhou
The very thought of a train
covering Chennai-New Delhi in six hours defies the imagination. In our
youth, two nights on the train was the minimum to get to the capital.
The journey would take nearly 48 hours in the early ’60s. I have been
on one of those to Delhi and beyond to Allahabad, on a special scout
compartment on a steam train to a national jamboree while in school,
which took about 60 hours in all. What seemed fun then would be
unbearable drudgery in these modern times.
fabled train journeys of yore will continue to occupy the important
nostalgia section of the brain. Long journeys, the thrill of getting off
at wayside stations and wandering on the platform, drinking water off
the public taps without a care in the world before the steam whistle
blew its shrill note to remind us we have to move on. The food at
wayside stations was not satisfactory, but then never in Indian history
could railway catering have created a memorable culinary experience.
reel off the names of stations as they went by in daytime was a fun
thing to do, Contrast that today with the travelling experience on a
Rajdhani or a Shatabdi with Wifi connection or 3G running mobiles and
tablets and you have progress in a nutshell. The thrill of buying a
load of magazines and a novel to read on board may have been lost as
tablets and the Kindle take over. But then if you are really going to
spend just six hours getting to New Delhi, why bother with too much
on-board time-pass.
A coal
dust-spattered face and the metallic taste of the environment on a train
journey are all things of the past. You could travel in comfort and
land in good shape for work provided you could book a ticket and get on
to a train, which is getting more and more difficult despite all the
online booking refinements. We can live on in the hope that the Bullet
train will take us safely to the capital one day in the promised six
hours. We could then say three cheers to national progress.
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