Wednesday, November 26, 2014

AILRSA 20th All India Conference Report:

All India Loco Running Staff Association 20th All India Conference held at Chithorgarh( Rajasthan), Rathlam Division of Western Railway on 15 & 16 November 2014.

The Conference was arranged at a specially arranged pandal in Railway Garden, nearby Chithorgarh Railway Station. The hall was crowded by over 3000 Loco Running Staff and their families assembled from all over the country.

The Biennial General Body Meeting welcomed by Com. Badri Lal Jat and Presided over by Com. L Mony and Com. NB Dutta.

Inaugurated by Com. Basudeb Acharia, Ex MP, Vice President CITU. He stressed the need of massive unity to oppose FDI including in Railway operations, Anti labour amendments in Labour laws etc. Also he emphasized the necessity of rigorous struggle to achieve the just demands of loco Running Staff like Limiting the hours of work, revision of out dated Hours of Employment regulation etc.

Com. Amara Singh( President , All India Kisan Sabha), Com. Srivasthava( All India Guards Council)Com. Satish Kumar Kulshreshta( All India Station Masters Association), Com. Bijan Bihari( All India Defence Employees Federation) etc were also addressed.

The conference took unanimous decision to strengthen the ongoing struggle by the working class of India forgetting their affiliation.

Secretary General Com. MN Prasad submitted the working report and Treasurer Com Jit Singh Tank submitted accounts statement.

On 15th evening a mass rally was organized with participation of Bikes, Camels and Horses with traditional music instruments. Rally covered the entire Chithorgarh town by walking around 10 KMS.

There was a wonderful cultural show arranged by “New Melody Makers, Chithorgarh” lead by Com. Anwar Bhai, Loco Pilot Passenger, Chithorgarh. 

All the 16 Zonal railway comrades attended the discussion, many are raised some clarifications also. Secretary General Com. MN Prasad replied for all quarries. 

On 16.11.14 afternoon election for new office bearers were conducted. The election was presided by Com. DS Koparkar.

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